tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 18 17:12:57 1995

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[What, me worry?] YES!

     jIjegh! jIjegh! ghuy'cha'! mevbe'bej tlhingan Hol qab! ...?
     (Hmm... How would I say "If I worked for Paramount, I'd never hear the end 
of it?")

     Okay, so what have I learned?

rejmorgh SaHlaHbe'bej            He surely can't care about the worrywort.
jISaHbe'                         I don't care.
rejmorgh vISaHlaHbe'             I can't care about the worrywort.
SaHlaHbe'beh rejmorghpu'         The worryworts surely can't care.
pagh vIHajbej                    I surely dread nothing.
vay' vIHajlaH'a'                 Is there anyone (anything?) I can dread?
SaHlaHbe' Hoch rejmorghpu' je  * The worryworts and all can't care.

     The last looks like the best construction for the "even" clause I've seen 
so far. The Hoch - je format works for me... So here's today's foot-in-mouth 
opportunity. Let's see if any of these sound feasible (much less make sense):

'uQvam SoplaHbe' Hoch targhwIj je.
Suvqang Hoch tera'nganpu' je!
Dapwij mughlaHbe' Hoch [Okrand] je.

     BTW, since it has a bearing on this whole [lam be'] thing... check 
Adjectives, section 4.4, p. 49, and how you can use a verb to modify a noun. 
That section probably stuck in the author's mind sideways, and what he meant to 
write was [be' lam] for dirty woman.
     I finally realized it after I wrote the sentence at the top, which 
I intended to mean "Bad Klingon Never Ceases." The [qab] is used as an adjective
in exactly the way [lam] should have been.
     Mind you, he's fallen victim to a homograph: he's using "dirty" 
metaphorically and translating it literally. Being in need of a bath is a minor 
epithet at best. [web] (disgraced), [toj] (deceiving), [magh] (betraying), or 
[mIgh] (evil) would all have been better words IMHO. I also wanted to suggest 
"Denebian Slime She-Devil," but didn't know quite how to phrase it.
     Then again, it's not like I read that particular novel, so I don't know the
context. Was her honor dirtied by misdeeds, or was she sexually 

     And now, another question: would being "ready and willing" to do something 
use BOTH the suffixes [-rup] and [-qang]? Or is that more of an English idiom 
best translated somehow using [-bej]?

Disgusting Thought for the Day: Klingon ...enchefferized!

If I had a swordfish, I'd share it with you./ David Wood has opinions,
But this is a halibut and IT'S ALL MINE!   / but very few people care.
==========================================/ To them, I say "BITE ME!"
And ask me about THE ONE-ARMED PAPER HANGERS and PORT ROYAL! May31-Jn2

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