tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 18 12:12:57 1995

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I was reading a copy of Cinfantastique (sp?) magazine yesterday. In it 
they were interviewing Robert O'Reilly. He said that he really wanted 
to get his Klingon lines right so he had worked with Micheal Dorn 
(shudder), and been given Marc Okrand's phone number. I believe he 
said he had become friends with Marc too. To think, an actor actually 
caring enough to try and get his lines right.... Why can't he come 
live on DS9??
Marqem told me that Mr. O'Reilly is doing work on the new CD-ROM. 
After reading this article I feel a little better about that. Perhaps 
this is where he had become friends with Marc? I'm not sure. Funny, 
though: An actor has the leSSov to ask for Marc's number, but the 
writers don't? I don't know if Mr. O'Rielly has used the number yet, 
but still.
Oh, and Robert appears to know about us. He said something like, "I 
was a little nervous...because I haven't gone to the Klingon University." 
Perhaps a reference to the KLI? I can't be sure. It would be worth a 
letter perhaps...

    "Had I not known that I was dead already, 
    I would have mourned the loss of my life"
              -Ota Dokan, Japanese poet
 (written while a knife protruded from his chest)

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