tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 18 11:47:03 1995

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Pronunciation of "Klingon"

ghItlh  ghunchu'wI'

>qeSmIv HarghwI' writes:
>>     Let's put it yet another way:  When the actors on Star Trek say
>>"Klingon," it sounds, at least to me, like "cling on" not "cling gone."
>>You may have heard someone say "cling gone," but I doubt it was in an >episode.
>In "The Schizoid Man" (TNG Season 2), Dr. Ira Graves consistently refers
>to Lt. Worf as a "cling gone".  Of course, he also tells his friend that
>although Klingons and Romulans *act* alike, they do not *look* alike, so
>he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.  I do like the answer
>Worf gave when he was asked (politely) if he's a Romulan:  "HHHHHardly."
     I really was thinking of the regular cast.  How did Shattner, Nimoy,
Stewart, Frakes, Brooks, Visitor and all the other regulars say "Klingon?"
How did all the actors who played Klingons, Dorn, Colicos, Todd etc., say
"Klingon?"  For that matter, how do Berman, Piller etc. say "Klingon" when
they give interviews?  And... how did the Great Bird of the Galaxy himself
say "Klingon?"  I do not believe I ever heard any of them say "Cling gone."
     Of course, I didn't think to specify regular cast in my note, and I
shall certainly watch that episode again soon, just out of curiosity.
     But I still contend that  "ng" is two phonemes in words like "finger"
and "linger," but one single phoneme in words like "singer" and "Klingon."
/klINan/ is the pronunciation used by the inventors of the term and the
original users.


     qeSmIv HarghwI'

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