tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 14 06:12:49 1995

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<bang> & <'o'>

jabbI'IDwIjmo' ghItlh peHruS:

>'o'ghItlhDajDaq ghItlh peHruS:

My guess is that {'o'ghItlh} means "foreword."  jIlugh'a'

Wrong way 'round.  <'o'> is glossed "aft (n)".  I was referring to Dotlh's
.sig paragraph.  <'o'ghItlh> could also, in the right context, mean
"Foreword" would be <'etghItlh>. 

-marqem / Mark A. Mandel, whose petaQ of a mail program (WordPervert
Office 4.0a) has recently decided to go on strike against the Retrieve File
and Paste functions.

*That NOTE is addressed not to peHruS, but to people who don't pay
attention to spelling, either in reading or in writing, and consequently
misunderstand others' meaning and cause others to misunderstand their
own meaning.  Some people on this list do that.  --  This is not aimed at
anyone in particular (although "worrywOrt" would be a plant; <rejmorgh>
is glossed "worrywArt".  Look it up, and look up "wOrt" in a good
dictionary).  "AfterwOrd" is uncommon enough, and "afterwArd"
common enough, for people to mistake my meaning above and ask dumb
questions.  End of rant.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled

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