tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 05 10:36:49 1995

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Beds and Mushrooms...

 uu> From: hfp95118 <ur-valhalla!!hfp95118>
 uu> Subject: Beds and Mushrooms...
 uu> Message-ID: <[email protected]>
 uu> Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 04:55:13 -0800

 uu> In my study of Russian I have encountered the idiomatic translation of
 uu> the english expression "You've made your bed - now lie in it!" , which
 uu> is  (delightfully) "You've called yourself a mushroom - now get in the 
 uu> basket!" 

 uu> Discussing it with qSeroHS, he wondered how a Klingon would express
 uu> this.  I'm once again bereft of TKD (while we re-cover the more
 uu> battle-scarred one) so I daren't make an attempt without, but I'd be
 uu> interested to see how people on the list would phrase this (and I
 uu> promise I'll make a stab at it when I get the TKD back... :)

I un-humbly submit (since when is a Klingon humble?):

may' yotlh DawIvqangta'.  DaH, batlh yIHegh!

| Lieutenant Commander Qob vestai-qutvaj                     |          |
| Quadrant Adjutant, Northern Quadrant, Dark Moon Fleet, KAG |  NOR!    |
| Second and Communications Officer, I.K.V. Crystal Dagger   |  QUAD!   |
|     === Member, Klingon Language Institute ===             |  ROCKS!  |
| Fidonet:  Bill Willmerdinger @ 1:2613/477.1701             |          |
| Internet: [email protected]              |          |

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