tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 02 17:10:53 1995

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Re: Klingon Language Roleplaying Game

--- David Bolack wrote:

  Nope it was a Pentagon based shape, actually.  
--- end of quoted material ---
I get it.. it's a little like a Chinese take out box.

>From the top, bird's eye view, you see 3 triangles that are joined to each
other to form a kind of cone  with  the apex the point where all three
triangles meet...
then think of the  3 straight edges that make up the base of the cone... each 
has a  4 sided  lop-sided thing attached to it.
It's like a square which is top heavy and bottom narrow. The broad part is
attached to the "straight-edged base". These 3 square thingys are joined by the
side edges to one another... tapering towards a open triangular hole... that's
where the 7th side goes.

Does that make sense.?
Now I wonder how a nine-sided die will look...

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