tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 23 20:12:03 1994

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KLBC: Lets get some standards in place!

	Personally,  the KLBC,  KBTP,  and I have missed a few, are great
ideas for learning or improving ones usaged of the tlhIngan,  but there are a
few minor problems.

	Lately there have been DEBATES on usage with the subject line having
a "KLBC" in it.  Thanks folks,  but I really don't think its going to help those
of us learning the language to read these debates.  I really agree with DrujIv,
this is BEGINNERS conversations,  not debates.

	To help us all slog through the deluge of mail that the list receives,
I suggest EVERYONE adopt a similar style for the Subject line of the messages.
Why not use the first four characters as a STANDARD for the list,  so that those
who want to read specific instances,  or work on their learning,  can easily. As
it is now you have to slog through many messages to find what you were reading.
The subjects spin off without much change.  Look at the KLBC right now, there is
a DEBATE going on over usage that is well above most beginners heads!

I definately propose the following subject line markers and guidelines;
(Plese excuse me if I missed a few abbreviations...)

KLBC:	Those chats for beginners, Directed/corrected by ONE or TWO teachers
	This would only include discussions BY beginners,  no debates
	unless it relates specifically to something a Beginner wrote, and even
	then should be kept SIMPLE enough for ALL beginners to understand. If
	the debate gets too complex,  it should be "moved" (subject changed)
	to KADV.

KBTP:	Fine as is!!  The only one that stays on target.

KADV:	Those people who have the experience with tlhIngan Hol and are
	able to debate it.  All DEBATE style issues should have this
	in the subject line.

MISC:	Those chats that dont easily fall into the above break down.
	This could be the occasional,  " this episode Worf 
	mangled tlhIngan Hol in this way..."


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