tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 07 04:36:05 1994

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Re: New canon


>Well, as they say, there's canon and there's canon.
>I believe the general concensus is to regard the Klingon which appears in the
>films and the televisions series to be canon, but to view other works of
>fiction as a second class, with or without consultations from Okrand.

Indeed, there's canon and there's canon.  I, for one, most emphatically do
NOT count the slop that shows up on the TV shows as canon, unless there's
some evidence that they brought in Okrand to do something with it.  I
mean, come on!  In the recent DS9 episode with the Klingons ("Blood Oath",
I think.  I'm not good with titles), I managed to make out exactly one
thing that was said in Klingon before giving up in disgust.  Kor, on
remeeting Koloth, calls him "my old friend", and the Klingon he uses is--
get this-- wIjjup.  Good.  I suppose I should be happy that they even
bothered to look it up that much, which is above average for them.

>On the other hand, when I suggested to Marc that the membership of the KLI
>would probably be all too happy to provide John Ordover (the Pocket Books ST
>Editor) with any Klingon phrases desired for novelists, Marc's reply was to
>mention that they currently just call him up, and he works it out for them.
>So, take it as you will

Frankly, I'd be more likely to accept this kind of thing canonically than
the gunk on the current TV shows.


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