tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri May 04 05:36:46 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh chorghmaH wa': narghbe'chugh SuvwI' qa' taH may'

Qov ([email protected])

Gore alert! This 'ay' contains carefully researched gruesome violence, copious amounts of blood, and death. Also large blocks of text, because there's almost no dialogue.

Also the footnotes are spoilers--don't read them first. Unless you want spoilers.
vajar and crew are witnessing a betleH duel between Commander be'tlhar and her superior, the chief of security on veS.
181: narghbe'chugh SuvwI' qa' taH may'

Dop chob machvo' ghoS chang'eng. wej rIQ SuvwI' 'ach HoHmeH 'eb lujonqu'ruplaw'. Doy'choHlaw' 'ach tonSaw' Dun lu'aghtaH. much rur 'ach ghetbe'mo' much rurbe'. ngol HungpIn 'ej chuQ. way'Ha'DI' be'tlhar woS bIng DuQchu' HungpIn betleH pach. purDI' qev wa' Hugh rur wab. jachpu'chugh be'tlhar Qoybe'pu' vajar. Hugh SIjbe'pu' betleH. woS neH DuQ. narghmeH nach pep 'e' nID be'tlhar 'ach ta'choHDI' betleH SalmoH HungpIn. qaStaHvIS may' pIj HoH wa' Qagh.

bIQtIqHom moj 'etlh ghoSlI'bogh be'tlhar 'Iw. jatlh HungpIn, "bIjeghrup'a'?" janglaHmeH be'tlhar loQ betleH chuQHa'. nuj poSmoHDI' be'tlhar jatvo' jeq betleH QIn net leghlaH. nujvo' 'Iw tuy' jatlhlaw'taHvIS 'ach chuSmo' bejwI'pu', mu'meyDaj QoylaHbe' vajar. jeghbe'law'. nuj SoQta'DI' loQ betleH jIrmoH HungpIn. HoHmeH Hugh nejlaw' 'etlh. junmeH nogh be'tlhar 'ej betleHDaj'e' jopqu'. HungpIn chor DuQpu'. DoH HungpIn 'e' nID 'ach be'tlharvo' betleH yuvmeH chuQHa'nIS 'ej bot chor DuQtaHbogh 'etlh. ' nargh 'e' nIDqa'DI' be'tlhar, pumchoH 'ej HungpInDaq betleH raD porghDaj. ravDaq pum cha' yaSpu'. 'Iw lughaychoH. HungpIn 'uSDu' jojDaq 'aD'a' SIjpu'law' be'tlhar betleH. chuSqu'be'choH bejwI'pu' choQ nguvmoHtaHvIS tlhIngan 'Iw.

wej HeghmoH be'tlhar QIH. reghtaHvIS HungpIn SIQlaHlI'chugh 'ej Hugh QanlaHchugh QaplaH. nach tlhabmoH 'e' nIDqa' 'ach ravDaq chuQqu'qa' HungpIn. be'tlhar QoghIj DuQlaw'pu'. SupchoH ghIvDu'Daj nachDaj je 'ej betleHDaq puy'eghchoH. SuvwI'pu' QaHruplaw' bejwI'pu' 'ach wej Heghpu'mo' jeSwI'pu' pagh jeghpu'mo', taHtaH may'. mI'taHvIS be'tlhar porgh bejtaHvIS vajar, HeghlI' 'e' Sov, 'ach cha'Hu' ram bel qawmoH. ngugh voqbe'pu'. 'Il'a'?

betleH chaghDI' HungpIn 'ej vIHbe'choHDI' tlhabchoH be'tlhar nach. nujDaj teb 'Iw. jatlh 'e' nIDlaw' 'ach mu'mey vo'laHbe'. poStaH mInDu'Daj 'ej vIH'eghtaH ghIvDu'Daj 'ach tlhuHbe' 'ej ghupbe' 'ej tuSbe'. tlhuH 'e' lIjlaw'. HeghtaHvIS poStaH mInDu'Daj. cha' SuvwI'pu'vaD jach bejwI'pu' 'ej chobmeyvo' chuSqa' beymey. lut Dun luQoy qorDu'chaj.[150][151]
SKI: The duel ends either gruesomely or gloriously, depending on your cultural alignment.
[150] First writethrough of this scene had the Klingons continuing into the next scene without watching the gruesome, predictable and already explained conclusion of the battle, but if we're going to accept a culture that glorifies death by violence, then damnit they had better have an appreciation for the final convulsions of a warrior with a spike in her medulla oblongata, half lying on a man who is bleeding out from the femoral artery. [151] Never sleep with a Star Trek captain. Romantic involvement with the commander always spells death. Was 'eSSIm loyal to Mahoun or did she just know that basic safety precaution. But wait, Mahoun is also a ship's captain. Uh-oh.
That's the end of 'ay''a' Hut! On to wa'maH! Probably tomorrow. Weather has been unsuitable the last few days and I've finally solved a problem where I had them all stuck in engineering. Took me weeks. Don't worry, no technobabble. I moved the scene elsewhere and presto, it worked.

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