tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue May 01 13:28:09 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh SochmaH chorgh: bIQ ngaS

Qov ([email protected])

Almost at the end of this 'ay''a'. 'ay' 181 will be the final installment in 'ay''a' Hut. I'm writing 'ay''a' wa'maH wa' right now, and 'ay''a' wa'maH cha' will be the final chapter. Then I'll start something else! Prehistoric Klingons have crossed my mind. Clan of the Cave Targ, anyone? Requests of all sorts eagerly accepted. You want every tenth chapter to be at an easier reading level? You want me to change the amount of sex, violence, economics or talking? You really, really want to read a story about Klingons in the used furniture business? You want post KGT words footnoted? Tell me. I'll make it happen.
vajar was having some trouble with his hearing aids, as he and his crew strategize.

178: bIQ ngaS

vajar retlhDaq QamchoH Hota'ro' 'ej teSDajvaD jatlh, "nuq neH Sa'? maweb neH'a' neH? DaSov'a', HoD?"

De' nejlaw'lI'bogh Sa', be'tlhar je Del vajar.

"chaq pu'jIn pegh, cham le' much," jatlh ghutar.

jatlh vajar, "qaStaHvIS wejmaH wej DIS lI'taHchugh cham, le'qu' 'oH."

jatlh Hota'ro', "De' vIloylaH. yejquv DevwI' pegh quvHa' 'oS De'. yejquv muvmeH qImyal, yejquv DevwI'pu' ponnIS. tuHmoHlaHbogh De' ghajchugh qImyal, DevwI' buQlaH. pegh polmeH, SamwI' HoHqangbej yejquv. Suja'chuqtaHvIS qImyal SoH je, yejquv DevwI'pu' bop. DaH wIyaj. De' DaSuqlaH'a', HoD?"

jatlh vajar, "jIchun 'ej jImatlh 'e' tlhojnIS. De' vIghajbe'."

jatlh ghutar, "yejquv De'vetlh wISamnIS 'ej DevwI'vaD bopbogh wImuchnIS. yejquv tuHmoHbe'meH paj."

jatlh Hota'ro' 'ach Qoybe' HoD. "nuqjatlh?" jatlh.

jatlh ghutar, "nuHoH yejquv DevwI' 'e' Har Hota'ro'."

jachqa' Hota'ro'. jatlh, "De' DaSuqlaH 'e' Harmo' qImyal Sa' Dujoy'qang. joy'wI' po' ghaH."

"wI'omnIS. tlhIngan batlh wIchoqnIS. wo' batlh wIHubmeH qImyal Sa' wIHoHnISchugh, vaj qImyal Sa' wIHoH," jatlh ghutar.

reH ra'wI' HoH neH'a' ghutar? wIch 'ar Qoypu'? jatlh vajar, "wej tlhInganpu' maH. may'Duj naQ SeHtaH qImyal Sa'. chay' Sa' wIHoH?" vaq 'e' Hech vajar 'ach jatlhtaHvIS SaghchoH mu'mey.

jatlh Hota'ro', "to'Daj wIlo'. Duy wIpon. luqeH 'op quv vuvtaHbogh yaSpu''e'. HoHqang 'op."[247] nISwI' beH bopbogh mu'mey'e' jatlhlaw' je Hota'ro' 'ach QoylaHbe' vajar. 'urmang luqelchoHpu'mo' moDchoH vajar tIq. DaqwI'pu' nejmeH nachDaj tlhe'moH.

'ej SaH DaqwI'! ghaH 'em ghoSlI' 'eSSIm. DIvqu'mo' vajar qab nachDu'chaj tlhe'moH ghutar Hota'ro' je. QuSwI'pu' muchbogh Hew neHchugh vay', ghu'vam pup law' Hoch pup puS. taghtaHvIS ram choS SIStaH. qach HeH bIngDaq Sa' luHoH 'e' luQuS wej tlhInganpu'.

yay'law' 'eSSIm. DIvmoHbogh mu'mey Qoyba'pu'. ghonDoq lel, 'ej Hub'eghrupchoH.
SKI: The three from Dugh are surprised by Essim while discussing an audacious solution to the qImyal problem.
[247] Or should that be {quv luHo'taHbogh 'op yaSpu''e'}?

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