tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 19 15:09:10 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ngIS

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

&gt; jabbI&#39;ID per vIleghDI&#39;, jIjatlh, &quot;mu&#39; vetlh vIghojbe&#39;.&quot;  jabbI&#39;ID vIlaDchoHDI&#39; vIghovbe&#39;bej.<br>
&gt; bIqIDbe&#39;bej&#39;a&#39;?</p>
<p>qatlh qIDlu&#39; &#39;e&#39; DaQub?  mu&#39; qID Daghov&#39;a&#39;?</p>
<p>tlhIngan Hol mu&#39;na&#39; &#39;oH &#39;e&#39; wISovbejbe&#39;.  &#39;oghbe&#39;law&#39; MO &#39;ej &#39;olbe&#39;law&#39;.</p>
<p>It&#39;s a DeCandidovian Klingon word, not (yet) an Okrandian Klingon word.</p>
&gt; Any word on whether this lubricant has its basis in petroleum, graphite, polyfloridated hydrocarbons or animal oils?</p>
<p>From &quot;Honor Bound&quot;:<br>
&quot;Each grenade was a hollow metal oval, into which they had placed the sand from the shores of the Prime Village and a small glass bottle containing {ngIS} — a lubricant used on the disruptor cannons, and which the {Gorkon} had in plentiful supply.  Throwing the grenade with sufficient force would break the bottle upon impact with a solid surface — they had been using B&#39;Oraq&#39;s specimen bottles, which were fairly fragile — causing an explosive chemical reaction with one of the minerals in the sand.&quot;</p>

<p>I&#39;m no chemist, and I don&#39;t know what kind of lubricant would react explosively with a mineral found in beach sand.  A cannon lubricant that explodes under any condition sounds kind of like a bad idea to me.<br>

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