tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 04 08:54:22 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Facebook Translation Project [FTP]: weekdays

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

jaj 02.03.2012 20:25, ghItlh ghunchu'wI' 'utlh:
Perhaps it was a mistake for this particular issue to have been
brought up on this particular forum, but I think it's appropriate for
the question to be posed to as many skilled and/or longtime speakers
as possible.

I'm really sorry for this question to evoke such a big discussion.

I only wanted to find the general opinion on how to solve the problem, and I should not have done so, since I feel the answer has been stated many years ago in the KLI's accepted but not often read FAQ:

2.3 How do I translate "Bubba" (or any name) into Klingon?

2.7 How do I use words like "asparagus" when writing Klingon?

jaj 02.03.2012 20:51, ghItlh Qov:
> Untranslated from what? German? English? Portuguese? I know you mean
> English, but I support stepping away from the imperialism of English,

Yes, of course I mean English.

The first reason is that we are translating Facebook from English, so everything that has no been translated remains english. This creates automated phrases like "Robyn likes your mIllogh" during the translation process.

Next, I would use English anyway, just because it IS international and everyone does understand this, more or less.

And yes, me too, I like to have new words, and I do wish to create new words or somebody to create them, but all of us here have accepted "the game" that only Maltz will give us new words. Perhaps things will change in this way, or Maltz might move to Lawrence's basement or find a new rule for the qolqoS of the KLI to create words.

There's no need to discuss that here though.


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