tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 18 12:35:52 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh wej: toy'wI''a' QaQ

Qov ([email protected])

At 12:31 '?????' 6/18/2012, you wrote:
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 8:58 PM, Qov <[email protected]> wrote:
> 203: toy'wI''a' QaQ

Saj Dotlh ghajlaw'. <Su', toy'wI''a' QaQ 'Iv?>

> jatlh Qa'bar, "DaHeSbe'pu'mo'.

ghelbogh mu'mey, jangbogh mu' je luchevlu'. 'ach Summo' nungbogh 'ay',
ghaytan qay'be' jangwI' bID mu'tlheghvam mob.

chaq mu'tlhegh vIlanqa'. potlhHa'choHtaH cha'vatlh vaghmaH mu'mey vIwIvpu'bogh. 'ach jIvuS'eghmo' Daj Qu'. rut naQ 'ay'. rut qojvo' HuStaH vay'.

> *lotlhwI'*Daq 'urtaH Hung tamey leHtaHbogh
> 'avwI''e' 'e' tu' qImyal. tamey choHlaw'ta'mo' 'urwI' HeSmey So'laH.

Hung HotlhwI' Duy' QIjlaw'.

wej QIjchu'. pIj QapHa' 'e' yIqaw. *veS*Daq QapHa'taHDI' wa', ja'chuq vajar tI'wI' je.

> Do'Ha'
> yu'laHpa' qImyal, HoH'egh maghwI'.

quvHa'taH, 'ach tuHpa' Hegh.

tuHtaH qurDu'.

> qama' lI'be' SoHmo', toy'wI''a'wI'
> qamojmoH. bISay'moHlaH. juHwIj tI Da'IHmoHlaH. bIbom 'e' luQoymeH muSuch nuv
> law'.

nuq bop bom? (jItuv, jItuv...)

yItuvtaH. wa'Hu''e' bom tobbogh 'ay' vIqonta'! vIqontaHvIS tlhoy jISeymo' jIghItlhlaHbe'.

> Do'Ha' DIvI' rojmab wIqI'DI', 'anDorngan Darurmo' qapollaHbe'.
> 'anDorngan SoH 'e' luHarmo' SuchwI'pu'wI', mab vIbIvlaw'[287].

{-law'} really ought to be indicating uncertainty on the part of the
speaker. There should be a better way to express

bIlugh. vIchoH. {mab vIbIv net HarlaH}.

> vaj
> 'anDorngan qama'pu' nge'meH pawDI' 'anDorngan Duj, ghomvetlhvaD qatlhejmoH.
> juH bopbogh De' potlh'e' SovlaHmo' toywI''a', bImejpa' yablIjvo' poH naQ qIl
> tuQDoq chamwI' 'e' vIra'."

toy'taHvIS Quch pagh Quchbe', chaq not 'e' Sovchu'.

cho'IQmoH. Mahoun bItmoH je. chaq wa' nem 'ay'vetlh DalaD. :-)

> jatlh Mahoun, "qatlh tlhIngan Hol vIlIjbe'pu'?"
> jatlh Qa'bar, "QeD vISovbe'. wanI'mey'e' Daqawbe'moH tuQDoq. jaS Hol polmo'
> QoghIj, Hol SIghbe'law' tuQDoq. ghaytan wejwa'mey, pIwmey je DaghovlaH je."

tlhIngan Hol Sov. tlhIngan Soj tIv. tlhIngan be' pIw parHa'qu'.

yay! Dochmeyvetlh qellaHmo' laDwI', qelnISbe' Mahoun 'e' vIwuq. DaH wIvwIj Datobta'.

Also, here's a footnote that got lost:
[227] Confession time. Mahoun was originally supposed to speak only minimal trade Klingon, but after less than a page I realized that you wanted to read terrible Klingon even less than I wanted to write it, so I just lapsed into [as close as I get to] correct Klingon, which of course had to be explained in the story, and ended up dictating a good portion of the plot. Every time I made a mistake (e.g. vajar's phaser) I had to explain it. Recently I noticed the canon that states Klingons call disruptors phasers all the time, as shorthand, which was what I thought in the first place. I love going in circles. Next story I will NOT post until it's done.

> tamtaH Mahoun, De' chu' qeltaHvIS. ghIq loQ HaghchoH. jatlh, "wej DIS
> wanI'mey qIlta' tuQDoq 'ach wej DIS tlhIngan Soj QaQ qIlbe'pu'."

(jIja'pu' tIq ghoDlu'pu'bogh vISopDI' vItIvQo'. qaStaHvIS wej jaj
jIyIntaHmeH Soj nov vISopnISchugh, chaq choH vuDwIj.)

juH mIpDaq Soj'e' Sopbogh puqnI' Sop Mahoun. chaq Huj Soj 'ach qaStaHvIS yInDaq naQ not Soj nIv Soppu'. chaq tI poDtaHvIS naH Sopta' je. chaq vaDqu' burghDaj luHDaj je.

> rotlhmoHwI'qoq QIjpu'. DaH Hujbe' je Mahoun Sov, Hol laH je 'ach taQtaH
> Qa'bar lut. toy'wI''a' neHbe'choHDI' vay', roD HoH pagh ngev. qatlh yInmeH
> Mahoun SuDpu' Qa'bar?

batlh vangba' Qa'bar. vIvoqqanglaw'.

pIH 'eSSIm, 'ach Dawuvqu'be'ba'.

> Duj choltaHmo' Du' Ha'DIbaHmey

<Duj> noplu'chugh mu'tlhegh Dublu' 'e' vIchup. Do we have an example
of {chol} as a transitive verb?

> ghum HaSta. jatlh Qa'bar, "Duj vISaqnISqa'.
> Sajolta'DI' nom vISaqta'. povbe' Daqvam." 'et ghoS.

It took me much longer to understand this than it should have. I
wasn't expecting {Duj vISaqnISqa'} in the context of a ship that was
currently on the ground.

I don't like {SaqHa'} for take off. Would you prefer {Duj vIpuvnISmoH 'ej SanISqa'}? It seems kind of wordy. What do you say if your car can't stay on the street past three pm and you have to put it somewhere else? I'm looking for a "I have to repark the car," kind of thing. I guess you were stuck on the "resume landing" meaning rather than the "land again."

> bejchuq 'eSSIm Mahoun je. tlhaymey Hutlh Qa'bar yIvbeH'e' tuQtaHbogh Mahoun.
> ghaH nIH DeS rIQbe' yachchoH 'eSSIm. 'IHmoH tlhIngan yIvbeH. jatlh 'eSSIm,
> "bIpIv'a'?"

tlhaQ. mu'mey chIm jatlhchoHlaw'.

bangDaj jotmoHmeH jatlh. Qu'vaD lI'.

> mon Mahoun 'ej 'eSSIm cholqu'.

That's another transitive {chol} in case you decide it's worth changing.

-Daq vIchel. I use chol a lot. chol/jaH/ghoS/paw/tlhejchoH .. what else should I be thinking of?

> jatlh, "HIja'." DeSDajDaq bej'egh. tlhupchoH.

(If {bej} is to {legh} the way {'Ij} is to {Qoy}, then I should stop
worrying about {bej} not matching "look at" well enough.)

This is a slightly French-influenced construction. Because -Daj is so useless for differentiating whose body parts are being talked about, what I learned from Seqram to call "the gay porn problem," I suspect that Klingons can use the reflexive for their own body parts, the way in French {je me lave les bras} - "I wash myself the arms". If I said {je lave mes bras} I think it would sound a bit like I had a collection of them in a bucket somewhere, as opposed to attached to me.

I am conscious when I use it that bej is not look, and I use a lot of circumlocutions and {bejchoH}. Here I was happy with the image that he was watching his own arm, like it was going to suddenly do something.

> jatlh, "yuQwIjDaq HItlhej. De' lellu'DI' bISaH vIneH."
> "DaH vIlel vIneH. naDev'e'," jatlh 'eSSIm. tlhup je.

maj. pup. DaH naDev SaHtaH Qa'bar, 'ej ghaH'e' Hev QIn net Hech.

'ej taHlaH lut. :-)

> jatlh, "Qa'barvaD neH
> QInvetlh ngeHlu'ta'. wItlhapchugh maH, tlhIngan yejquv DevwI' QIn wInIHta'.
> maghwI' vIDa vIneHbe'. chaq tlhIngan SoHbe'mo' DayajlaHbe'." matlhchu'
> 'eSSIm 'e' cha' neHqu'.

chaq 'eSSIm'e' ghaHbe'mo' yajbe'.

> jatlh Mahoun, "chaq porghlIjDaq 'oHbe'mo' DayajlaHbe' SoH jay'!"

wo' toy'meH 'eSSIm Somraw' pe'qangchu' 'e' vIpIH.


> jatlh 'eSSIm, "Mahoun, qatlh bIbepqu'? DaSIQlaHba'. DaHjaj HomDu'lIj
> vIghorlaw'pu'DI' bIQaltaH! DaH yeblIj 'oy' law' DIr SIjnISlu'bogh 'oy' puS.
> bIyoHqu'. yIghel neH. chaq SaHbe'." Qorwaghvo' SaqlI' Duj 'e' leghlaH
> 'eSSIm. tamchoH 'ej Mahoun Hotbe'choH, 'ach MahounvaD qoy'taH mInDu'Daj.

HeQbe'chugh Mahoun, chaq joy'taH mInDu'vetlh.

qoy'DI' be' temlaHbe' SaHqu'bogh loD

> cheghDI' Qa'bar, purqu' Mahoun. jatlh, "qaH ... De' DaSuqmeH DeSwIj
> Dape'ta''a'?"

tugh mejpu' *veS*, qar'a'? nom wuqchugh Mahoun, chaq HaqlaH 'aplo'
So'ta'bogh Qel'e'.


> [287] Even Klingon politicians have to be careful not be seen retaining
> illegal aliens as domestic workers. :P

Illegal aliens. qabwIj So' tochwIj.

muHaghqu'moHmo' vItu'DI' SachuHnIS.

- Qov

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