tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 17 07:09:46 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh wa'maH loS: quvHa'wI' DaqaDbe'chugh bIquvHa''eghmoH

Qov ([email protected])

vajar was asking the doctor to verify that he was hearing all that he should hear.
214: quvHa'wI' DaqaDbe'chugh bIquvHa''eghmoH

QoymoHwI'mey teqta' vajar. nom bIH nuD Qel ghIq nobHa'. jatlh, "tIjomqa'. teSlIjDaq bIHtaHvIS vInuDnIS. tamtaHvIS ghoghwIj choQoylaHchu'chugh HIja'." raSDaq ba'choH vajar 'ej teS nuDmeH joD Qugh. jatlh, "ra'wI' qaDta'bogh mang'e' DaqIHpu', qar'a'? QuDHom Dajqu' taghmoHta' beqlI', vajar HoD. ghutar laghlI'mo' nom *veS* beq naQ ngejlI' quv rop'a'Hey."

Hub'egh vajar. jatlh, "rop 'oHbe' quv'e'. batlh vangchu'ta' beqpu'wI'. quv nge'laHbe' vay' 'ej noblaHbe'."

jatlh Qel, "qapumbe', HoD. qanaD. DujvamDaq pIj qaS wanI'mey quvHa'. quv nge' net nIDbej."

"qaQoylaHchu'," jatlh vajar. "batlhHa' vanglu'taHvIS quv chavbe'lu'." vIttlhegh neH jatlh vajar, 'ach pum yajlaH Qel. qaStaHvIS wanI'mey quvHa' vangbe'law'taH.

"latlh teS." jatlh Qel. tlhe''egh vajar 'ej latlh teSvaD jatlh Qel, "jIvanglaHDI' jIvang. SoghlI' vItoDta'. HeghlI' be'vetlh, pagh mIghchoHlI', 'e' vIbej vIneHbe'mo', waw' ropyaHDaq vIQayta'. Dach 'e' Sovpa' Sa', mamejmo' HotlaHbe' Sa'."

vajar merpu'. jatlh vajar, "chaq chovnatlhvetlh vIyajbe'pu'."

jatlh Qel Qugh, "Dayajpu'. bIghHa' 'avwI' SoHtaHvIS, yelwIyyItngan qama'vaD QaHwIj DaSuqta'. bIqub. Heghpa' qama' tam bepbe' HochHom." toH. Mahoun Qorghta'bogh Qel'e' ghaH Qugh'e'. rI'pu'bogh 'avwI' qawchugh Qel qaStaHvIS DISmey law', qubqu'law'.

"DaH DuQoylaHchu' je teSvetlh," jatlh vajar.

"maj. Hoch DaQoynISbogh DaQoylaw'taH, HoD," jatlh Qel. "latlh DaghelnIS'a'?"

"HIja'," jatlh vajar, "wa'leS qaStaHvIS megh qoSwIj wIlop jIH beqpu'wI' je. 'et tachDaq ghomuv. juppu' quv tIqem."

"SoHvaD ghorgh qaS megh?" jatlh Qel. DujDaq qaSbe'mo' jajlo', jaS jaj yaj vumwI'pu' pIm.

mon vajar 'ej poH per. loQ QongmeH poH mImnIS Qel 'ach jeS 'ej juppu' qem 'e' lay'.

Sojpa'Daq ghom ghutar vajar je 'ej ghem SopchoH. Qu'Daj ta'lI'mo' Hota'ro' DachtaH, 'ach Qapla' chavta'mo' ghutar Seyqu'. chobDaq be'tlhar HungpIn je mu'mey qonpu' Hung qonwI'mey 'ej HoSghajqu'mo' QIn labqa'ta' bejwI'pu' rInpa' may'. Hay'choHpa' Hung yaSpu', jatlhta' be'tlhar, "DujvamDaq ngoy' Hoch tlhIngan. toy'chu'be'chugh mochDaj, moch qaDnIS. Hoch ratlhbogh Qu'mey ta'chu'taHvIS yaS, Qu'vetlh potlh ta'be'chugh, tlhIngan wo' toy'Ha' yaS. tlhIngan wo' vItoy'." be'tlhar mu'mey ja'taHvIS ghutar, ghogh SeQ lo' 'ej bochtaH mInDu'Daj. qeylIS chut ja'bogh loD rur.
SKI: vajar hears what the doctor has to say, and the doctor says he will attend the party.

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