tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jun 15 03:22:29 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Type 7

De'vID ([email protected])

lojmIt tI&#39;wI&#39; nuv:<br>
&gt; As usual, canon can raise as many questions as it answers. Like with the common:<br>
&gt; page 70: nuqDaq &#39;oH puchpa&#39;&#39;e&#39;? &quot;Where is the bathroom?&quot;<br>
&gt; Compare that to:<br>
&gt; page 27: pa&#39;Daq jIHtaH. &quot;I&#39;m in the room.&quot;<br>
&gt; and page 68: tlhIngan jIH. &quot;I am a Klingon.&quot;<br>
&gt; Are we to believe that my being in a room is more continuous than my being a Klingon? Is my location in the room more continuous than the location of the toilet?</p>
<p>I think so.  Being a Klingon is (for an actual Klingon) not an &quot;action&quot; or a &quot;continuing activity&quot;.  {tlhIngan jIHtaH} would imply that you came into the context being a Klingon (but might not have been in the past), is a Klingon in the current context, and leave the context still being a Klingon (but you might not be in the future).  </p>

<p>Now, in the Star Trek universe, with its changelings and shapeshifters, it&#39;s entirely plausible that someone can say this sentence and mean it.  In the real universe, someone might say this if they&#39;re &quot;in character&quot; as a Klingon.  But it would sound odd coming from an actual Klingon.</p>

<p>lojmIt tI&#39;wI&#39; nuv:<br>
&gt; On page 69, we have two examples right next to each other:<br>
&gt; nughoStaH nuq? &quot;What is coming toward us?&quot;<br>
&gt; nuq Dalegh? &quot;What do you see?&quot;<br>
&gt; What is there about the action of coming toward us that is more continuous than the action of seeing? Are we really forced to interpret the second question as, &quot;What are you in the habit of seeing?&quot; or &quot;What do you have the general trend of seeing, in a discontinuous, incomplete kind of way?&quot;</p>

<p>I don&#39;t think SuStel is claiming what you seem to think he&#39;s claiming.  </p>
<p>You *can* ask {nughoS nuq?} or {nuq DaleghtaH?}  But those questions mean something like &quot;What comes toward us?&quot; and &quot;What are you seeing?&quot;  That is, they are slightly different questions than the ones actually asked.  </p>

<p>{nuq Dalegh?} *can* mean &quot;What are you in the habit of seeing?&quot; (habit), but it can also mean &quot;What do you see?&quot; (general truth).  I think SuStel&#39;s point is that it *cannot* (usually) mean &quot;What have you seen (a completed action)?&quot; (which would be {nuq Daleghpu&#39;}) or &quot;What are you seeing (a continuous action)?&quot; (which would be {nuq DaleghtaH}).</p>

<p>lojmIt tI&#39;wI&#39; nuv:<br>
&gt; [poD]<br>
&gt; It&#39;s similar to what Okrand explains on page 43:<br>
&gt; &quot;The suffix {-taH} /continuous/ can be used whether there is a known goal or not. {-lI&#39;}, on the other hand, can be used only when there is an implied goal.&quot;</p>
<p>I think you&#39;re misreading this sentence or taking it out of context.  What it&#39;s saying is that {-taH} does not imply that there is no known goal.  That is, it is saying that {-lI&#39;} is a subset of {-taH}, rather than that they have mutually exclusive meanings.  It does not say that you can drop both {-taH} and {-lI&#39;} if the action is continuous.</p>

<p>lojmIt tI&#39;wI&#39; nuv:<br>
&gt; [poD]<br>
&gt; Is this enough? There&#39;s lots more, but I feel like I&#39;m beating a dead horse. Can we give it a rest?</p>
<p>I&#39;m not going to reply to your examples because the message would be too long, and I&#39;ll just be repeating myself.  But I really don&#39;t think you understand what SuStel&#39;s claim is.  </p>
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