tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jun 08 08:44:23 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh wa'maH wa': matlhwI' Sep matlhwI'

Qov ([email protected])

This is the final 'ay' in 'ay''a' wa'maH. The next 'ay''a' is the penultimate on in the story, and is darker.
'eSSIm and Mossam have just accepted a truce in order to ensure Mahoun's safety.


matlhwI' Sep matlhwI'

QongtaH Mahoun 'e' lubejtaHvIS jol luQoy. jolpat rav lItHa' Qel Qugh 'ej Qa'barvaD lIH'egh. jatlh Qa'bar, "ghoSlI''a' je jonwI'?"

"jISovbe', joHwI'. SIbI' jIQol net ra'. nIvnav vItuQtaH 'e' Dalegh. naDev rIQ'a' 'Iv?" jatlh Qugh.

"SID ngo' vIqel. yIba'," jatlh Qa'bar. Qel yu'choH. tarven Hegh Hogh wanI'mey bop. qama' pongDI' Qa'bar, SIbI' Hoch chID Qel. potlhbogh De' chu' 'angbe'. 'eSSImvaD lut rap ja'pu'. ravDaq Mahoun leghlaH Qel 'ej Sev, 'Iw SuD je leghlaHmo' ghaytan De' luSamta' 'e' loy. jatlh, "De' DaHevbe'pu'. DaHjaj 'e' vIghoj[320]. vIlaDbe'pu' jIH, joHwI'. vIlanDI', De' potlhqu' DungeH loD matlh 'e' vIHar. Dumawchugh ..."

Qugh rI' vay'. QumwI'vo' jatlh, "Qugh Qel, qImyal Sa' pa'mey tIghoS."

jatlh Qa'bar, "yIjangQo'. bIratlh 'e' vIpoQ."

"lu', joHwI'," jatlh Qugh. yejquv DevwI' potlh law' Sa' potlh puS net Sov.

QughvaD tarven ta much Qa'bar. rInDI' jatlh Qa'bar "Qugh Qel, ngebHa' ta 'e' DaHar'a'?"

jatlh Qugh, "HIja'. vIvoq, joHwI'. *veS*Daq rIQDI' vay' pagh HeghDI' vInuD. mIwmeyDaj wIH vISov. ta'meyvetlh HeSlaH Sa'. yuDHa'qu'law'taH tarven. wanI'mey mISHa'moH De'vam."

wewchoH jol. paw be', luch buq je. "joH quv," jatlh pawpu'bogh be'. "qaH'eng 'oH pongwIj'e'. jonwI' jIH."

"maj. meHDaq HItlhej, Sogh," jatlh Qa'bar. pa' QIH'e' ta'pu'bogh Mossam pu' pojchoH jonwI'. loSlI' Qel. bItlaw'.

Mahoun yInroH jIHmeH 'eSSIm, ravDaq torchoH. pIvtaHvIS Mahoun not tlhuHmeyDaj toghtaHmo', DaH DotlhDaj chovlaHchu'be'. Mahoun ghop 'uchtaH neH. jatlh Qel, "vInuD 'e' Dachaw'qang'a'?" chaw' 'eSSIm. vemchoHchugh Mahoun, ghIjbe'meH Qel, Mahoun 'uch 'eSSIm, nuDtaHvIS Qel. yebvo' Sev teq ghIq yebvaD Qel Hoqra' lo' 'ej Sev chu' lan. HIq 'Iq tlhutlhbejpu' Mahoun. ghaHvaD HIq qIlbogh Hergh'e' nap nob Qel. "'ommeH porghDaj boQ. ghaytan tugh vemchoH," jatlh Qel. Mahoun retlhDaq QotchoH 'eSSIm 'ej Mahoun nach yach, loStaHvIS.

jatlh Qa'bar, "'eSSIm?"

loQ Sup 'eSSIm. Mahoun SaHqu'mo' tlhoS ghu'chaj lIjpu'. nov parmaq qIch Qa'bar 'e' QoyrupchoH 'eSSIm 'a cherghrup. DaH Mahoun potlh law' DevwI' vuDmey potlh puS. jatlh 'eSSIm, "joHwI'?"

jatlh Qa'bar, "Mahoun DaSaHqu'ba'. qatlh jIHvaD DaqDaj Da'ang? vIHoHbe' chay' 'e' DaSov?"

ba'choH 'eSSIm. jatlh, "vISovbe'pu', joHwI'. DaHoH 'e' vIHaj. mughelta'mo' tlhIngan yejquv DevwI', jIlobta'. wo' vItoy'."

tlhoS tlhup Qa'bar. jatlh, "qeylIS rol quv. vavlI', SoH je lIrurbogh rewbe'pu' matlh vIqotlhmeH, wo' vItoy'chu'jaj."
SKI: The doctor and engineer that the councillor asked for arrive.
[320] That's Lawrence's puntuation style. I think it works here to alleviate confusion, because DaHjaj is a noun.
There will be a few days posting break before I begin sending 'ay''a' wa'maH wa'. At least there's no cliffhanger this time.

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