tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 04 08:09:45 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh Soch: puqloDwI' HoHta'

Qov ([email protected])

In the record data being viewed, then-Lt. qImyal had just inquired about the status of interrogation room five, which has a known inoperative recorder.

207: puqloDwI' HoHta'

tagh ta wejDIch. bIghHa'Daq SaHtaHvIS Mahoun--'eSSIm Mahoun--ghIq latlh Mahoun[308]--yaS wa'DIch--luqem 'avwI'pu' rap. poStaH yaS wa'DIch mInDu' 'ach chImlaw' yab. bol. mej Qa'bar puqloD. 'el qImyal Sogh. 'avwI'vaD jatlh. wabmey luqonbe'lu'pu'. Qoch 'avwI' 'ach jatlhtaH qImyal 'ej tagha' Qochbe'law'. mej qImyal. qama' voQmeH 'avwI', chIch Soj yIQ lo'. voQlI'bogh qama' QaH 'e' nID Mahoun 'ach luj. Mahoun tlhap Qa'bar puqloD, latlh 'avwI' je, tlhejtaHvIS qImyal. ghIq chobmeyDaq Hung ta puS rarta'mo' tarven, Serchaj cha'lu'. yu'wI' pa' vagh lu'el. DaH HaSta bIngDaq qonwI' mI' cha'lu' 'ach Daq ngu'meH <yu'wI' pa' vagh> cha'lu'be'. Daq ngu' <leH> . loQ qonwI' QeqHa'lu'mo' wanHa' mIllogh. pa' tlhop cha'be'. pa' 'emDaq Mahoun luchagh 'avwI'pu'. ravDaq QotchoH. nuDmeH joD qImyal. jatlh, "nonchoHlaw' qama'vam DeSDu'." leghmeH joDDI' wa' 'avwI', DoH qImyal. HIpDaj volchaH lISlaw'lI'. ghIq pe'vIl Qa'bar puqloD Hugh mup qImyal DeSqIv. wab lIngchugh loD So' qImyal, tuSDI'. pumtaHvIS Qa'bar puqloD tlhe'choH latlh 'avwI' 'ach jachlaHpa' HughDaj mupqu'ta' qImyal ro'. tuSqa'.[309]

joD qImyal 'ej 'avwI'pu' nuD, ghIq jatlh, "wewbe' Hung qonwI'. chamwI' vISamlI'."

jatlh 'e' nIDlaw' Qa'bar 'ach jatDaj roSHa'moHpu' QeH'a'. raSDaq maHpIn qIp. yoychoH 'ej qagh Qop ghomHa'moH . Mahoun qIpDI' 'op, vIng 'ej So''egh. maHpIn qIpqu'qa' Qa'bar. mu'qaDmey jachmeH QapchoH ghoghDaj. maHpIn baS beQmoH ghIq jaDqu'. pe'vIl Som poS mupDI' Suplaw' ghIq meHDaq SeHlaw mupDI' ravDaq pum. ba'choH Qa'bar, mu'qaDmey jatlhtaHvIS.

ta cha'taH HaSta. bIghHa' ravDaq Qa'bar puqloD chollI' Mahoun. yInlaw'taH 'avwI' 'ach tlhuHlaHbe'mo' nom HeghlI'. 'avwI' woS pep Mahoun 'ej ghaHvaD jatlhlaw'. <Sotchugh vay' vIQaH> jatlhpu' Mahoun 'e' qaw 'eSSIm[246]. Qa'bar puqloD QaHlaHbe' Mahoun. ravDaq Hegh.

latlh tamey lutu'lu'. mIgh qImyal ''e lu'agh Hoch. voDleH pong tIch. qeylIS qechmey vaq. jatlhqa' tarven, "wejHu' De' vIngeHta'bogh Sam qImyal Sogh. latlh Hung ta loHwI' pumta' 'ej joy'ta'. negh vIQanmeH DaH qabwIj vI'ang. DaH ta law' vIqonta' 'ej vIngeH 'e' vInID. DuSIch wa' 'e' vItul 'ach law'mo', wa' Sambej qImyal Sogh. vIjoy'lu'pa' Hoch ta Daq vI'angbe'meH jIHoH'eghnIS. tlhIngan wo' quvvaD jIquvHa''eghnIS." van tarven 'ej qonwI' chu'Ha'. Qa'bar De'wI'Daq De' polta' 'eSSIm ghIq mughwI'vo' De' 'aplo mach lel.
SKI: In the recording, qImyal is seen to kill two guards, one of whom is the High Councillor's son, while Mahoun watches.
[246] He did: <> but I suppose more importantly we've seen him do it. [308] Sorry about this. There was a point once to them having the same name, but it got edited out, after I had already sent the first installment that mentioned the fact. I was thinking on assuming you'd forgotten, which you probably had, but this is the game I made for myself, so I'm living with it. I hope it's not too confusing. It's kind of realistic, in a way that should be avoided in fiction. Also this footnote is not a trick, although that would be a cool kind of meta game to play. Because in fiction if two people have the same name there's always a reason, so you'd be looking for it, and I'd be trying to trick you into thinking there wasn't one. My only remaining reason is to mock the Star Trek universe way in which people from populous modern planets always seem to be able to get by with a single name, e.g. you never run into anyone else named Spock. [309] I had a martial arts advisor for this one. It seemed implausible to me, but with training, practice and strength, crushing the throat with a blow suffocates someone. And you know qImyal is going to practice something like that.

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