tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 25 00:47:34 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Newbie question about vIneHbogh construction

Philip Newton ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 23:45, Wiechu <[email protected]> wrote:
> I wan to say in Klingon: "Things I want to see" or "Things which I want to
> see"
> I came with this: Dochmey vIlegh vIneHbogh.

Perhaps one way of looking at this is to remember that {Dochmey vIlegh
vIneH} is (as I understand it) two separate sentences: {Dochmey
vIlegh} and {vIneH}. With other verbs than {neH}, you need {'e'},
which makes this clearer - for example, "I see you eat gagh" would be
{qagh DaSop 'e' vIlegh} ("You eat gagh; I see that"). Translating that
as "I see you eat gagh" is idiomatically better English but doesn't
reflect the structure of the Klingon particularly well.

So what you're wanting is to access something from the first sentence
*out of* the second sentence. I'm not sure whether that works -
{vIneHbogh} would probably either relativise its subject ("The I that
wants; I who want") or its objects, which I guess is {'e'}: "The fact
of 'I see things' that I want".

Philip Newton <[email protected]>

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