tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 18 14:34:36 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] qo''e' tu'bogh pagh - 'ay' vagh

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

&gt;&gt; SPOCK: ghorqon jInmol&#39;a&#39; wIlajnIS &#39;ej wInumnIS.  DaH mavangbe&#39;chugh,<br>
&gt;&gt; wo&#39;Daj lupon Suvrupbogh SuvwI&#39;pu&#39;[1].</p>
&gt; Suvqangqu&#39;wI&#39;pu&#39;? tuqmey ngo&#39;? choHqangbe&#39;wI&#39;pu&#39;?</p>
<p>Oh, good suggestions.  I think {choHqangbe&#39;wI&#39;pu&#39;} captures &quot;conservative elements&quot; very well.</p>
&gt;&gt; QI&#39; tuH&#39;a&#39; chavtaHvIS Heghchugh<br>
&gt;&gt; qaq ghu&#39; &#39;e&#39; lujatlh.[2]</p>
&gt; That would be net jatlh. </p>
<p>Why?  The subject is the {choHqangbe&#39;wI&#39;pu&#39;} here.  Is the connection with the previous sentence not clear enough?</p>
&gt; I might go to something incorporating HeghvIS QaQ law&#39; torvIS QaQ puS.</p>
<p>I had considered a variation of that line.  I thought it might be a little bit too blunt considering that a conservative Klingon says exactly this later in the movie.  OTOH maybe the Klingon translation should be more blunt/less subtle than the English dialogue.</p>

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