tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 13 02:33:15 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Klingon architecture

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

> I call it duct tape, and consider "duck tape" to be an eggcorn, but there'a actually a brand name with the word Duck in it, so it's legit. And yes, it's pretty famous.
> Sutmey, bIQ Dujmey je chenmoHmeH lulo' nuvpu'!

Actually, some people claim "ducK tape" came first, and that it's
"ducT tape" that's the eggcorn.

Now here's a challenge: come up with a Klingon term for "eggcorn".
That is, create a term where a part has been substituted with a
similar-sounding element, such that the end-result is still a
plausible (but wrong) interpretation of the original.  Bonus points if
it involves more than one of {QIm}, {tIr}, and {naH}.

My entry: {DIr ngogh QaD}.  (I can easily imagine a Klingon visiting
Earth reporting to his superior that Terrans eat {tIr ngogh QaD}, and
the superior mishearing {DIr} for {tIr} but still finding the end
result plausible.)


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