tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 19 08:31:31 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] mIl'oD veDDIr SuvwI': 'ay' cha' - 10. reH tay' ghot, tuqDaj je

Rohan Fenwick - QeS 'utlh ([email protected])

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It's late and I'm overdue for going to bed, but I got three 'ay'mey written today, so I thought I should send another before going to sleep. 29 'ay'mey so far - about 7,500 words. My, this is going quickly.<br><br>In the previous 'ay', the mysterious warrior in the sabre bear pelt went all John Rambo on roStevan's slaves, and roStevan was devastated.<br><br>Warnings: None.<br><br>10. reH tay' ghot, tuqDaj je<br><br>vaj jatlh ghaH, 'ej juH'a'Daq cheghmeH tlhe''egh; mej monHa'taHvIS. tlha'be''eghchoHmoH Hoch nuv; 'ItchoH Hoch. jatlh 'op: «lughchu' 'utlhma'.» jatlh 'op: «Qu'vatlh! » 'IQtaHvIS 'utlh 'ej moghtaHvIS, QongmeH pa'Daj jaH. 'el latlh 'e' botchu'meH, bejtaH 'avtanDIl, puqloD quv rur. mej Hoch latlhpu'; ghomHa' tuqnIghpu'Daj.&nbsp; lopno' ghanglu', gheb chuS lurIlbe'choHlu', HurDagh 'ey luyachbe'choHlu'.<br>tagha' 'IQtaH vavDaj 'e' Qoy tIna'tIn, vaj QamchoH 'ej vavDaj lojmIt chol. 'avwI' tlhob ghaH'e' ghobtaHbogh jul, jatlh: «QongtaH'a' pagh vempu''a'?» jang 'avwI', ja': «vempu' 'ej ba'taH ghaH; DoqHa'choHlaw'pu' DIrDaj. SaH 'avtanDIl neH: 'utlh tlhopDaq, quSDaq ba'taH. DaHjaj SuvwI' Huj lulegh wamtaHvIS chaH, 'ej 'utlh 'ItchoHmoHpu' wanI'vetlh'e'.»<br>jatlh tIna'tIn: «DaH jImej jIH; wej qaSchoH jI'elmeH poH. mulegh 'e' tlhobDI' vavwI', yIjang, ‹qen naDev ghaHpu'› yIjatlh.»<br>qaStaH jaj. tugh tlhob roStevan 'utlh, jatlh: «nuq ta'taH puqbe'wI', belwI' naghbochwI' je, yInwIj rachwI'?»[1]<br>jang 'avwI'; «qen naDev ghaHpu', rejmorgh DataHvIS. bI'IQqu'mo' SoH naDevvo' mej, 'ach DughoSrupqa'bej,» ja'.<br>«yIjaH, yIrIt,» jatlh 'utlh, «DachtaH chay' 'e' vISIQlaH? ghaHvaD yIjatlh: ‹qatlh bItlhe''eghta' 'ej bImejta', 'o[2] vavlI' yIn? HIghoS, 'IQtaHghachwIj yIvor, tIqwIj QIDlu'pu'bogh yIpIvmoH. belwIj Haw'moHta'bogh wanI' qaja'.›»<br>Qoy tIna'tIn, vaj QamchoH ghaH 'ej vavDaj jaH. maSwov 'IH rur qabDaj wov. vavDaj'e', DopDajDaq tIna'tIn ba'choHmoH 'ej pe'vIlHa' DeSDajDaq tlhap. jatlh: «qatlh jIHvaD choghoSQo'pu'? qarItmeH bIloSlI''a'?»<br>vavDaj jang tIna'tIn, «'o 'utlh,» jatlh, «Duchol 'e' ngIl 'Iv – Sub, nuch ghap – bImonbe' 'e' Sovchugh? 'u' wovmoHwI'mey'e' Da'ItmoH SoH bI'IQtaHvIS. QatlhchoHchugh ghu', Qatlhbe'choHmoHjaj nuv;&nbsp; nabvetlh qaq law' ghu'vam qaq puS 'e' vIQub.»<br>jang 'utlh. «'o puqwI',» jatlh, «'IQqu'mo' ghu'vam jI'It, 'ach qaleghmo' 'ej bIyInmo' SoH jIbelchu'. pay' nom jI'IQHa'choHchu'pu'; 'IQbe'moHmeH Hergh DaDachu'. muDuQpu'bogh wanI' qaja'pu'DI', mubechmoHbogh ghu' bep je DayajchoH 'e' vIHar.»<br>--------<br>[1] Everyone's so effusive about tIna'tIn - family, friends, random soldiers who admire her from afar. She must be pretty special.<br>[2] I'm trying not to overuse 'o. Since Georgian has a dedicated vocative case that's pretty freely used it's making it a little harder; basically I'm limiting it to places where a measure of respect is intended (since IIRC someone mentioned that 'o often goes with Kahless in the paq'batlh but never with Molor, suggesting a certain honorific value as well as vocative).<br>--------<br>SKI: roStevan goes into his room to deal with his anguish, but tIna'tIn tries to cheer his flagging spirits, and eventually roStevan agrees to tell her what the cause of his upset is.<br><br>QeS<br> 		 	   		  </div></body>
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