tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 29 09:48:08 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Eurotalk - New Words - Countries

Josh Badgley ([email protected])

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<font face="Courier New">I don't seems like Marc (wisely) tried to transliterate the "native" names of the countries rather than the English ones.&nbsp; So <em>Bharat</em> becomes barat, <em>Deutschland</em> becomes DoyIchlan, and so on.&nbsp;Except for New Zealand...I don't get that one.&nbsp;Perhaps you could Klingonize the native names of Scotand and Ireland.&nbsp; I don't know what they are, but it would be interesting.</font><br><font face="Courier New"><br>-- jhb<br></font><br>&nbsp;<BR><div>&gt; Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 12:34:44 -0400<br>&gt; From: [email protected]<br>&gt; To: [email protected]<br>&gt; Subject: [Tlhingan-hol] Eurotalk - New Words - Countries<br>&gt; <br>&gt; On September 30th, Eurotalk released their first Klingon language software.<br>&gt; It was decided that we should wait 30 days before releasing new words<br>&gt; in bulk form on this list.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; However there have been several of the new words used on various other<br>&gt; places on the internet such as facebook and twitter.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; It just so happens, that Eurotalk started shipping physical CD-ROMs<br>&gt; before the 30th, to allow pre-orders to arrive on release day.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Some of those CD's arrived on the 29th. A day early.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Which makes today 30 days.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I've decided to go ahead and post the country names.<br>&gt; Not the most exciting part, but it is a day early.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; -=-=-=-<br>&gt; Australia - 'aSralya'<br>&gt; Canada - qa'naDa'<br>&gt; China - jungwoq<br>&gt; Denmark - Denmargh<br>&gt; Egypt - maSIr<br>&gt; Finland - SuwomIy<br>&gt; France - vIraS<br>&gt; Germany - DoyIchlan<br>&gt; Greece - 'elaDya'<br>&gt; Hungary - maDyar<br>&gt; India - barat<br>&gt; Israel - yISra'el<br>&gt; Italy - 'Italya'<br>&gt; Japan - nIpon<br>&gt; New Zealand - nu'SIylan<br>&gt; Norway - noregh<br>&gt; Portugal - portughal<br>&gt; Russia - raSya'<br>&gt; Spain - 'eSpanya'<br>&gt; Sweden - Suverya'<br>&gt; The Netherlands - ne'Derlan<br>&gt; Turkey - turIqya'<br>&gt; United Kingdom - tuqjIjQa'<br>&gt; United States of America - 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa'<br>&gt; <br>&gt; -------------<br>&gt; And there you have it folks.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Any suggestions on how to transliterate "Scotland" and "Ireland" based<br>&gt; on the countries above?<br>&gt; Those are my children's names.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; ~naHQun<br>&gt; <br>&gt; <br>&gt; -- <br>&gt; ~Michael Roney, Jr.<br>&gt; Professional Klingon Translator<br>&gt; webOS Developer<br>&gt; <br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt; <br>&gt; _______________________________________________<br>&gt; Tlhingan-hol mailing list<br>&gt; [email protected]<br>&gt;<br></div> 		 	   		  </div></body>
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