tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 25 08:15:48 2011

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' javmaH loS: <tIr poj>

Robyn Stewart ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

We're coming up on the end of this 'ay''a'. Anyone figured out why QeS is going to punch me, yet?

In 'ay' javmaH wej, Essim beamed back to her research station, apparently unshaken by her close call.
jolpa' mejpa' Mahoun HIch qatbogh wepDaj nej 'a ratlhbe'. yaHlaw'pu' je 'eSSIm tlhejpu'bogh tIr'e'. Say'moHwI'pu' moch ghaHmo' teppIn'e' teppIn rI'. jatlh Qulpa'Daq wep tIr je tlhappu' QeDpIn.

Qulpa' ghoS HoD 'ej 'el. wov jan tIn 'ej 'oH retlhDaq jIH bejtaH QeDpIn. tlheghmey, mI'mey, ghomey je 'ang. vay' pojlaw'lI'. chol Mahoun. "nuq Dalegh?" jatlh.

"DaH tlhIngan tlhepQe' vIleghlaw'taH," jatlh QeDpIn, jan bejtaHvIS.

"bItlhaQ," jatlh HoD.

"jolpa'Daq HIchlIj DalIjpu'," jatlh QeDpIn. raS SumDaq Qot wep puj HIch je. "chay' be'vaD qaS chach?"

jatlh HoD. "wa' jaj loD maghmo' maqoch ..." HoDDaq baghneQ chuH QeDpIn. puvtaHvIS baghneQ tlhap HoD. jatlh "qaSDI' mob. tIr polmeH qachDaq qaSlaw'."

jatlh QeDpIn "tIrDaj'e' 'oHlaw'. buqDajvo' pogh vItlhap. 'oHDaq tar tu'lu'."

jatlh HoD "vaj tar lIngbej'a'?" mIS Mahoun. roghvaH ropmoH neH'a'? tlhIngan to' yajlaHbe'. Satlh buSlaw' 'eSSIm. tlhIngan qelDI' Mahoun, HoSbogh nuv qu' qel. Suv 'ej chargh. yu' 'ej joy'. 'a jaS vang 'eSSIm. chaq ghoqwI' ghaH.

QIj QeDpIn. jatlh "nuH 'oHbe'law' tarvam'e'. Satlh taS 'oH. Sung ghewmey HoHlaH 'ej tI HoH je. "

jatlh HoD "tI QIv HoH'a' tIr QaQ HoHbe'taHvIS?"

jatlh QeDpIn "ghobe'. Hoch tIr motlh HoH. yotlh chIm chenmoH. 'a DaH Dajqu'wI' qamuch." tIr ngaSbogh ngop 'ang QeDpIn. wa' jengva'vo' tIrHom woH. jatlh "tIr Sung 'oH. yI'uch." tlhap HoD. lath jengva'vo' latlh tIrHom woH QeDpIn. "tlhIngan DajolDI' tIrHomvetlh wISuq. yItlhap." HojtaHvIS tIrHom cha'DIch tlhap HoD. nuDchoH.

jatlh HoD "nIblaw'." tIrHommey tlhapqa' QeDpIn 'ej pojwI'Daq lan. tInqu'choHlaw'.

jatlh QeDpIn "HaSta yIbej. poj Hotlh." bej HoD. jatlhqa' QeDpIn "tIr 'oghpu'bogh SIghbe' tar. tar botlaH tIr yInmeH pat."

"Dajqu'!" jatlh HoD. "vaj tI QIv HoHlaH wIjwI' yIntaHvIS tIrvam'e'."
SKI : The science officer has analysed the grain that arrived with Essim.

The whole story, including corrections, ship diagrams and org charts can be found at

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