tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Oct 23 16:36:36 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Bible nonsense

Qov ([email protected])

Five notes on this discussion:

1. One reason the KLI Bible translation project got bogged down is that the translators were not translating from English but from the original Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew. There weren't too many folks who could help.

2. I can actually see that the word-for-word program could be marginally useful for someone who knew how Klingon worked, but did not have vocabulary memorized.

3. How did sake get mapped to chIch. Can anyone see a route?

4. Why would anyone object to anyone trying to translate anything?

5. Is translation somehow considered a more noble, valid or deserving pursuit than original work? I understand that for publication the general marketability of the product is enhanced by tying it to something with an existing audience, but what about when it's just for fun or skills. I've done translation, nothing dirty about it. I've just discovered that an old one is on line, complete with the translator's notes I sent to the author. ( But my fun is in original work.

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