tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Oct 20 09:29:01 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Where is the Klingon Word of the Day?

d'Armond Speers, Ph.D. ([email protected])

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I was running that.&nbsp; What happened was that the server it was running on
 disappeared.&nbsp; I had been running it from a server that was made 
available to me for free, as a favor.&nbsp; I don't know why they took it 
down, but nobody told me it was going away.&nbsp; When that happened I lost 
all of the scripts and files, so for me to start it back up again, I'd 
have to re-create everything from scratch.&nbsp; I just haven't been 
sufficiently motivated to spend the time to do it.&nbsp; :(<br>
<blockquote style="border: 0px none;" 
  <div style="margin-left:40px"><hr style="border:none 0;border-top:1px 
dotted #B5B5B5;height:1px;margin:0;" class="__pbConvHr"><br></div>
  <table style="padding-top: 5px;" class="__pbConvTable">
<tbody><tr><td style="padding-top:4px;" valign="top"><img 
src="cid:[email protected]" 
photoaddress="[email protected]" photoname="Noah Bogart" 
name="compose-unknown-contact.jpg" height="25px" width="25px"></td><td 
style="padding-left:5px;" valign="top"><a moz-do-not-send="true" 
href="mailto:[email protected]"; style="color:#2057EF 
!important;text-decoration:none !important;">Noah Bogart</a><br><font 
color="#888888">October 20, 2011 9:51 AM</font></td></tr></tbody>
  <div style="color:#888888;margin-left:35px;" __pbrmquotes="true" 
class="__pbConvBody"><br>Some five or six years ago when I was 
originally subscribed, the Klingon Word of the Day would post here, and 
then we'd all discuss the canon Voragh would post from his deep 
reservoir.<br><br>What happened to the Klingon wotd, and would there be a
 way to start it up again? I really liked it, and found it helpful when 

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text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; 
word-spacing: 0px; font-size: medium;"><font class="Apple-style-span" 
size="3"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 11px;"><b><font
 class="Apple-style-span" color="#1e5191"><br>
d'Armond Speers, Ph.D.</font></b><br>
<font class="Apple-style-span" color="#5e5e5f"><a>[email protected]</a></font></span></font></span></div>

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class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 11px;"><span 
class="__postbox-detected-content __postbox-detected-phone" 
style="display: inline; font-size: inherit; padding: 0pt;">303-747-3465</span><br>
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