tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 05 11:22:08 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] 2 letter language code for Klingon?

Josh Badgley ([email protected])

Yep, I already started down that ladder a while back. It took me about a day to learn how to write pIqaD, still working on the reading. I guess now it's canon. BFD. Either way, it's still fun :)
-----Original Message-----
Date: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 1:12:34 pm
To: [email protected]
From: lojmIt tI'wI'nuv <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] 2 letter language code for Klingon?

Throughout the existence of the language, we've always had to deal with multiple levels of reality. There's the Star Trek reality that things written in Klingon in movies and on the TV shows never make sense to anyone anyhow, and this is the root of Okrand's earlier suggestion that we don't know anything about the Klingon writing system. Behind that reality is the 20th and 21st century reality that the artistic director of these movies and TV shows has wanted the artistic freedom to write whatever he wants on his sets and computer displays without having to consult with some linguist to make the writing make any sense. Okuda demanded that Okrand never claim to know anything about the Klingon writing system.

Okrand came up with the romanized alphabet simply because if he didn't, then he couldn't very effectively write a dictionary for Klingon. Being romanized makes it convenient for us to use on this email list.

Meanwhile, he didn't just come up with a way to spell phonetic Klingon. He came up with triglyphs

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