tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Oct 03 08:35:37 2011

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[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon typos

Qov ([email protected])

I've been typing a lot of Klingon lately and I'm not a very good typist, plus I don't have any kind of Klingon language tools for my computer. I'm not going to deny that I make a fair number of grammatical errors, but I'm making weird typos, too. There's something more going on than finger slips. For example just now I typed a sentence, talked to my husband, looked back at the screen and saw "loS nIj 'Iw." Huh? Oh the firsd word was supposed to be loQ. Obviously I didn't get "four/wait" and "slightly" confused in my head, but somehow that happened in my fingers. I do make typos of the "forgot to shift the S" and "lth" variety, but more often I substitute a completely different valid *Klingon* "letter," like H/ch. A lot of j/q -- I keep typing ghIj for ghIq--and the like. I guess there are a couple of levels here, so when I slip on one level something is preserved on another. Some of them are similar to speech slips, but who would ever try for loQ and have it sound like loS?

Hmm, I've just realized that in English I've long given up spelling triatlhete or heatlhy correctly on the first try, so I guess the fingers do learn groups of movements and can just trigger the wrong one.

- Qov.

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