tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 13 18:37:20 2011

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Re: qep'a' wa'maH chorghDIch

R Fenwick ([email protected])

Qumpu' Lawrence, jatlh:
>I'll be setting up a website soon, once all the details are finalized. But
>the dates and location are locked in. Make plans to attend. Now.

tagha' jISaH jIH 'e' vInabbej je.

ngugh U.S.Daq jIleng 'e' vIHech. ghaytan Los Angeles laS veghaS je vISuch
RenoDaq vIlengpa'. 11 August qaS qoSwIj. ngugh ghaytan laS veghaSDaq yurpu'
vISuch. ghIq RenoDaq vIjaH.

>It's also my hope that this will draw in some KLI members who haven't been
>to the qep'a' before,

chovnatlh jIH. {{:) qep'a' jeSwI'pu'vaD much le' vIchenmoHlI'. Samer vIneH.
botIv 'e' vItul!

jatlh be''etlh:
>For those of us on limited budgets (or who just want company) I would like
>to start the roommate discussion.

Seconded. I'll be looking for a roommate as well. Since I'll be blowing a
wad of cash on just getting to the U.S. the hotel's not a huge cost in the
scheme of things (though things could get interesting if the floods affect
the Australian dollar) but it'd be great to share a room with someone I can
finally get to speak Hol with. Any potential takers?

QeS 'utlh

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