tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri May 07 17:31:02 2010

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Re: Games

Lucas Big-Guy ([email protected])

What was that game played in the episode where the Klingon later head-butted
Data and flew backwards? I believe there was a meeting of sorts with
Romulans, Klingons, and the Federation aboard the Enterprise-D for
something, I think it was "The Chase" [TNG].

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Steven Boozer <[email protected]> wrote:

> q'taq:
> >Any list of Klingon games? Or sites with instructions?
> A quick search of my notes comes up with...
> *{DIS Qujmey}  THE YEAR GAMES GP (cf. TFR) [Cf. http://www.yeargames.comfor more information and pictures.]
> {ghInaq}  grinnak ["A game that involves tokens and wagers." (KEBH) First
> referenced in Keith R.A. DeCandido's Honor Bound.]
> {qa'vaQ}  qa'vak (traditional game) KGT [involving rolling a half-meter
> hoop and a ghIntaq spear that hones the skills of the hunt (TKW). The
> expression vIHtaH gho "The hoop is moving"] "comes from a maneuver used for
> hunting practice known as the qa'vaQ in which a hoop (gho) is rolled and one
> tries to throw a stick through it while it is moving." (KGT 112) Seen in TNG
> "Birthright II".]
> {qeylIS mInDu'}  Eyes of Kahless (a guessing game with dice where the
> winner receives a punch) KCD ["You roll two dice (I think they have more
> than six sides), and the other person snatches one in each hand before you
> can see how they came up. Then you slap the hand that you think has the die
> with the higher number on top, and if you're right, you win. There can be
> some additions for extra flavor, such as spitting into the hand with which
> you're rolling, or taking a Daqtagh and striking it down on the table
> between the two hands." (qoror) "And IIRC one of them gets punched in the
> face...of course." (DloraH)
> {tlhInja}  klin zha (KRAD: Enemy Territory et al.) [the game from TFR:
> "Klin zha is a board game with similarities to a combination of chess and
> capture-the-flag, but in that novel it's also used on many levels as a
> metaphor for life... a literal translation of klin zha might be "the game of
> honor-ethics". The game itself is described somewhat sketchily in the book.
> Fans of Ford's version of Klindom extrapolated a playable set of rules, and
> it's now a popular real-world game. The Authorized Klin Zha Homepage (
> has details." (ghunchu'wI')
> "A Klingon sark (Sargh) is an animal somewhat resembling a Terran horse,
> both in appearance and in that Klingons (generally individually) often ride
> on the animal's back. A forest sark" (ngem Sargh) is a sark found in the
> forest (ngem)--that is, in the wild, usually one that has never carried a
> Klingon around. A Klingon game played on sarkback involves one rider and
> sark executing a particular maneuver, and then the other players copying
> this maneuver. The idea is to make the movement somewhat erratic--in the
> manner of a wild, not a domesticated animal--so that it is difficult to
> duplicate. In other words, the players all follow or chase (tlha') the lead
> rider on his or her wild sark. The phrase (often in the form ngem Sarghmey
> tlha'laH [be able to chase forest sarks]) is now used to indicate that one
> is capable of following anyone or anything--that is, that one is capable of
> understanding even the most complex of discussions or of solving the most
> intricate of problems." (KGT 111)
> *{boghel}  Boggle
> {ghew}  cricket
>  - DaH ghew yIQuj  Cricket, please. RTb
> *{Huchmay' Quj}  Monopoly (game) ML
> *{pachmu'}  ClawWord (Sqr'bl, a Klingon crossword board game) (GP)
> *{poQ'ar}  poker
> *{DIjchu'}
> *{mu'reHwI'}  word-game/puzzle
> *{nuq 'oH}  "What is it?"
> *{pegh mu'}  password [requiring 6-8 participants and a set of vocabulary
> cards]
> *{qaDHom cha'}  "participants are presented with a short [Klingon] phrase
> and must then tell a short story that uses (and often ends with) the target
> phrase." The phrase is often unusual or nonsensical.
> *{'Iv jIH}  "Who am I?"
> {Quj}  game (n.)
> {Quj}  play a game, play X (v.)
> {luj}  fail (also used to mean lose, as in "lose at a game"
> {qaD}  challenge
> {SuD}  gamble, take a chance
> {'ov}  compete
> "This is war, a game we Klingons play to win."
>  - (Kor, TOS "Errand of Mercy")
> --
> Voragh
> Canon Master of the Klingons

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