tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 29 13:02:32 2010

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Re: hypertransliteration (was Re: klin zha)

ghunchu'wI' 'utlh ([email protected])

QaghwIj vIchIDnIS. I misremembered "komerex" as having the same
initial sound as "khesterex", so my rendition of the word in a
tlhIngan Hol "accent" used {H} where {q} would indeed be more
appropriate. DopDaq qul yIchenmoH QobDI' ghu'.

On the question of how to pronounce words in klingonaase, I start with
the observation that Ford wrote _The Final Reflection_ in English,
with enough idiomatic usage to assume that he wrote it for typical
native speakers of English. He grew up and attended college in the
same state where I live, so I think I have a good idea of how he would
expect his words to be spoken. I thus confidently choose to pronounce
them as I think a typical monoglot resident of the American midwest
would read them...

...but then I effectively run them through a tlhIngan Hol phonology
filter as I actually use them, because pretty much the only time I
have reason to speak them out loud, I'm speaking Klingon to other
Klingonists. :-)  And even those times are vanishingly rare. I'd much
rather take advantage of such opportunities by engaging in real
conversation rather than making references that I seriously wouldn't
rely on *anyone* to understand.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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