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RE: Klingon dates again

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

| {QI'lop}, the holiday honoring the Klingon military, occurs in the tenth
| Klingon month. (PK) 
| Alexander was born on the 43rd day of Maktag. (TNG "New Ground") 
| The {batlh jaj} is held on the 4th day of the 9th month. (VOY "Day
| of Honor") 
| Kohlar asked the pregnant B'Elanna, "Did you conceive during the holy
| month of Nay'Poq?" (VOY "Prophecy") 

>>>(If anyone wants, I can post the various years listed in the novels)

>> If DeCandido has come up with any month names, please do.

>Nope. Looks like your notes have everything from the last time I read
>the books.

Pity.  It would've been nice to have a couple more names.

All we can really say based on the above is that there are ten (or more) months, one (or more) having at least 43 days.

| Lo'Bral, Soo'jen, Merruthj and Xan'lahr are months "in the Year of
| Kahless" sequence from Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels' 2007 novel
| _Excelsior: Forged in Fire_.

Coincidentally -- for those interested in fannish expansions of the *klingonaase* vocabulary in John Ford's novel _The Final Reflection_ (TFR) and the FASA gaming materials -- Lynda Carraher also came up with a 10-month Klingon year in her _Writers' Guide To Klingonaase_.  Each of her months (*laow*) contain ca. 40 days, for a 421-day Klingon year (*bi'koom*):

*klazh du kop'kha*   New Year's Day ("Day of Success" - the first day of the
                 Klingon year, falling on the summer solstice. It stands alone,
                 not assigned to any month, and is the major Klingon holiday.)

*kahlesslaow*    1st month; midsummer (cf. Kahless)
*tikh'laow*      2nd month; late summer (*tikh* *hot")
*Pokh'laow*      3rd month; early fall (*Pokh* "hunt")
*kartadelaow*    4th month; early fall (cf. * kartade reened* "Kartade Forest",
                 a place name [FASA?])
*Ãnalaow*        5th month; early winter (*Ãna* "black*)
*khelaow*        6th month; winter solstice falls during this month (*khe* "die*,
                 in reference to a non-sentient entity; e.g. a plant, an idea, a
                 political entity; cf. *khesterex* "the structure that dies" [TFR])
*tan'djinlaow*   7th month; the month following the winter solstice (*tan'djin*
*khomlaow*       8th month; early spring (*khom* "grow*; cf. *khomerex* "the
                 structure that grows" [TFR])
*keeplaow*       9th month; spring (*keep* "green*)
*kailaow*        10th (final) month; early summer (cf. *kai* term of salutation
                 and honor [TFR])

Canon Master of the Klingons

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