tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 28 07:25:38 2008

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Re: Klingon WOTD: qang (verb)

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Friday, March 28, 2008.
>Klingon word:   qang
>Part of Speech: verb
>Definition:     always agree with, always cooperate with (slang)

KGT 159:  The literal meaning of the verb {qang} is "pour into", though the 
slang usage is influenced by the verb suffix {-qang} ("willing"; compare 
{QaH}, "He/she helps", and {QaHqang}, "He/she is willing to help"). The 
slang term may be found in such sentences as {jIHDaq Daqang} ("You always 
agree with me, you always cooperate with me"; literally, "You pour 
[something] into me"). To say that someone "pours" ("always agrees") is 
somewhat derogatory, implying that the agreeing or cooperating may be for 
ulterior motives. Nonslang equivalents of {qang}, though lacking the 
negative connotation, are {reH Qochbe'} ("always agree"), {reH yeq} 
("always cooperate"), and {reH jIj} ("always be cooperative").

Not otherwise used in canon.

>     qang (verb) - pour (from one container into another)

Used in canon:

   latlh HIvje'Daq 'Iw HIq bIr vIqang
   I pour the cold bloodwine into another glass. KGT

   latlh HIvje'Daq 'Iw HIq bIr yIqang!
   Pour the cold bloodwine into another glass! KGT

KGT 118:  This means something along the lines of "I don't believe you; 
maybe someone else will" or "That is irrelevant to me; maybe someone else 
will care." The circumstances that prompted the first usage of this saying 
are unknown, but the imagery is pretty straightforward, especially with the 
understanding that bloodwine should never be served cold. The expression is 
always used in this imperative form ... A sentence such as {latlh HIvje'Daq 
'Iw HIq bIr vIqang} ("I pour the cold bloodwine into another glass") would 
be interpreted only literally, though perhaps also as a statement about the 
poor quality of the beverage.

KGT 99:  Usually one will pour ({qang}) the drink directly from the {bal} 
["jug, bottle"] into the {HIvje'} [i.e. a drinking glass/cup of any kind], 
but it is not considered uncivil to drink directly from the {bal} ... Some 
drinks are served in special containers, such as the {runpI'} ("teapot") 
used in the making of {Dargh} ("tea"), and are then poured into the 
appropriate {HIvje'}.

KGT 99:  If the particular dish is somewhat soupy ... it will arrive at the 
table in a large bowl ({maHpIn}) and a diner will pour its contents into a 
smaller bowl ({Duq}), from which he or she will consume it.

Related verbs:

{lIch} "pour (into/onto anything)" and {teb} "fill".  Cf. also {nIj} "leak" 
and {SoD} "flood".

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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