tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 06 07:09:57 2008

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Re: Klingon WOTD: vIn (noun)

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Thursday, March 6, 2008.
>Klingon word:   vIn
>Part of Speech: noun
>Definition:     cousin, niece, nephew
>Additional Notes:
>HolQeD 9:3 p. 8, {matlh jup mu'mey}.  {vIn}, in its plural form {vInpu'}, 
>is used for a group consisting of at least one {tey'} and no one who is 
>not a {lor} or a {tey'}.  Thus {vInpu'} may be translated "cousins, 
>nieces, nephews."  If it's not a mixed group, then, of course, the plural 
>forms of {lor} and {tey'} would be used ({lorpu'}, {tey'pu'}).  {vInpu'} 
>might also be used if the speaker is unsure about the makeup of the group 
>(but sure enough to know that {vInpu'} is a better choice than 
>{yurpu'}.  The singular form, {vIn}, is also sometimes used in place of 
>{lor} or {tey'} when focusing on the {vIn} as a member of a group of 
>{vInpu'} as opposed to his or her specific relationship to the speaker.

"Related" nouns:

{tey'}  cousin (mother's sister's child or father's brother's child), niece 
or nephew (man's brother's child or woman's sister's child)

{lor}  cousin (mother's brother's child or father's sister's child), niece 
or nephew (man's sister's child or woman's brother's child)

{yur}  distant cousin, niece or nephew (second cousin, grand-nephew, etc.)

See naHQun's online charts of Klingon family relationships at 

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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