tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 15 11:42:21 2007

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Re: Why Do You Study Klingon?

Doq ([email protected])

On Jan 13, 2007, at 2:13 PM, ...Paul wrote:

ghoHtaHghach QIp vIbuSHa' 'ej juS:

> Let me try to put this simply, so perhaps you can understand it:

bItIchba'. qul veS DaneHlaw'.

> 1.  My interest in the language is primarily linguistic.  I enjoy(ed)
> learning it because I found interesting the differences between how  
> the
> Klingon language worked from English.

naDev HolQeD tejpu' law' tu'lu'. chaHvaD DajtaH tlhIngan Hol.  
bIpotlh'eghmoHmeH, bIpIm'eghmoHlaw'.

> 2.  After 10+ years, I've pretty much seen all of the rules of grammar
> produced.  There are interesting things in the canon examples that  
> don't
> appear to follow the known grammar.  But there is no desire to  
> actually do
> anything with that information, because that would be "changing the
> language".

leng qechHommeylIj.

> 3.  So, the only interesting "things to do", that don't equate to  
> mental
> masturbation, are to try to "discover" new aspects of the language  
> (but if
> we can't actually come to a decision and use these aspects, what's the
> point?) or introduce new aspects to the language experimentally.

toH. tlhIngan Hol Dalo'be' bIbuDmo' 'e' DamaS qoj qechmeylIj  
DaDelmeH, laH yap DaHutlh. vaj tera'ngan Hol Dalo'.

bIpotlh'eghmoHmeH, Hoch Dara' DaneH, 'ach pItoy'be'chugh, maDal 'e'  
Dawuq. choHnIS'a' Hol? bIwuqlaH SoH neH 'e' Dachuplaw'.

> 4.  Since you are completely opposed to any of this, and seem able to
> inflict your will on the group as a whole, there is no reason for  
> me to
> continue.

SaH 'Iv?

> I find it amusing that you apparently have volunteered to manage  
> the KLI
> wiki, but apparently have put no real effort into it.  I asked a while
> back for you to put a link to the table of contents onto the start  
> page,
> so the site would be more usable, but you seem to have ignored  
> that.  It's
> not surprising, really; why would a person so vehemently opposed to
> contribution want to actually support and maintain a wiki, a platform
> designed to support social contribution?

tlhIngan Hol Dalo'be'mo', bIbuD, 'ach latlhpu' DatIchmeH, bIjaq. cha'  
Qu' Daghajlaw':

1. latlhpu' DatIchnIS.

2. bIpotlhnIS. bIramvIp.

> I'm a ghost.  There's nothing more this language can give me if  
> there's no
> room to evolve, and there's nothing more this list can give me if  
> this is
> the kind of attitude people can expect.  If anyone wants to say  
> anything
> more to me, just reply to me personally.  I'll have unsubscribed by  
> the
> time you read this.


mapImbej Paul jIH je. mutoy' Holmaj 'e' vIpIHbe'. vIlo' neH.

latlhpu' vItIchmeH tlhIngan Hol vIlo'laHbe'chugh, naDev vItIchQo'.

jIlay'. lay'ta'ghach vIlIjchugh, HInuQqu'!

> ...Paul


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