tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 06 13:08:56 2007

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Re: Klingon wikipedia!

MorphemeAddict ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol taghwI']

In a message dated 1/6/2007 1:56:54 PM Central Standard Time, [email protected] 

> The difference is that there are roughly 20.000 Klingon speakers (thinking 
> positive) but over 15 million Esperanto speakers.
> pImqu' jatlhwI' mI': Esperanto jatlh wa'maHvagh 'uy' ghot, 'ach tlhIngan Hol 
> ghoj cha'maH SaD neH, 'ej 'oH jatlhchu' 'op neH.
> But Esperanto was created over 120 years ago, while Klingon was just 20 
> years ago. So I hope that maybe the number of Klingon speakers might grow, one 
> day. How many Esperanto speakers were there 20 years after it was created?
> The only disadvantage that we have is the lack of vocabulary.

I'd say your estimates of the number of speakers is an order of magnitude too 
high, but it's still a valid point.

Esperanto grew very fast in its early years, so I'd guess there were several 
thousand speakers on Esperanto's 20th birthday.

lay'tel SIvten

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