tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 31 07:17:50 2006

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Re: Klingon WOTD: Doq (verb)

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Tuesday, October 31, 2006.
>Klingon word:   Doq
>Part of Speech: verb
>Definition:     be orange, red

Used in canon:

   Doq bIQtIq
   The river is red. KGT

   Doq bIQtIq bIQ
   The river water is red. (idiom) KGT

["The phrase can be traced back to an old drinking song that commemorates 
the slaying of the tyrant Molor by Kahless. On that day, according to the 
song, the River Skral ran red; that is, it was filled with the blood of 
Molor." (KGT 123)]

   Doq'a' SuvwI'pu'
   Are warriors red? PK

>Additional Notes:
>KGT p. 82.  As for the specific colors, in addition to the verb {qIj} ("be 
>black") and {chIS} ("be white"), there are only two terms used: {SuD} ("be 
>blue, green, yellow") and {Doq} ("be red, orange").  For everyday 
>purposes, these four words suffice, since there is usually not much reason 
>to distinguish, on the basis of hue alone, between two items that are 
>both, say, {Doq} ("red, orange").  When it is necessary to talk about 
>colors more precisely, as it might be for the creator of a {nagh beQ}, 
>various devices are employed.  One option is to make use of the emphatic 
>suffix {-qu'}.  The word {Doqqu'} (literally, "very {Doq}") refers to a 
>color more red than orange.  Similarly, {SuDqu'} ("very {SuD}") would 
>probably be described as "green" in Federation Standard.  Phrases 
>containing the words {wov} ("light, bright") or {Hurgh} ("dark") further 
>refine the description of the color.  Thus, {SuD 'ej wov} means "(it) is 
>{SuD} and light," a way to refer to a yellowish tinge; {SuD 'ach wov} 
>("{SuD} but light") is also heard.  If more specificity is necessary, the 
>item in question is generally compared to something else that typically 
>has a particular color.  For example, {Doq 'ej beqpuj rur} means "(it) is 
>{Doq} and resembles [bekpuj]," a common mineral that is bright 
>orange.  Note that with the basic terms, the verbs, or verbs plus the 
>emphatic {-qu'}, may be used adjectivally and modify preceding nouns: {bIQ 
>SuD} ("blue/green/yellow water"), {HIq Doqqu'} ("red liquor"--probably 
>bloodwine).  This adjectival construction is not possible with the 
>lengthier formations, however.  To describe yellow tea ({Dargh}, "tea"), 
>one must say {SuD Dargh 'ej wov} ("The tea is {SuD} and light") or 
>{SuDbogh Dargh 'ej wovbogh} ("The tea that is {SuD} and light").  The fact 
>that neither {SuD} nor {Doq} includes what is called "violet" or "purple" 
>in Federation Standard may be related to Klingon physiology--that is, 
>exactly how the Klingon eye processes different wavelengths of light.

More notes:

"As noted earlier ... the Klingon word {Doq} ("be red") ... really means 
much more than {red}. It refers to a rather wide spectrum of colors ranging 
from deep red to bright orange and includes pink. Nearly all Klingon bodily 
fluids, including blood, can be described as {Doq}." (KGT 123)

"What we call "brown" would be described in Klingon by using the verb {Doq} 
"be red, orange". If the context is clear (such as contrasting a brown 
thing with a thing that cannot be described as {Doq}, such as something 
that's {SuD} "blue, green, yellow"), {Doq} alone is good enough. Thus, if 
there are two drinking cups, one brown and one blue, one might say: {HIvje' 
Doq qaneH} "I want the {Doq} cup" [sic! for {vIneH}]. Only the brown cup 
could be described as {Doq}; the blue cup is definitely not {Doq} since it 
is {SuD}. On the other hand, to be more precise when talking about the 
color (when, for example, there's a brown cup and a red cup), Klingons 
would typically use the phrase: {Doq 'ej wovbe'} "be orange/red and not be 
bright". To get even more specific (to be able to refer to different kinds 
of browns) would involve comparisons. For example: {Doq 'ej Qaj wuS rur} 
"be orange/red and resemble kradge lips". The lips of the kradge are 
presumably a particular shade of brown." [st.klingon 2/98]

"{'Iw HIq} ("bloodwine") is served warm to hot ... and should be very dark 
red in color." (KGT 95)

"For Klingons, even though there is a word for "cry" ({SaQ}), there is no 
word for "tear" or "tears", undoubtedly because Klingons have no tear 
ducts. The only thing Maltz could think of that eyes do from time to time 
is "redden" ({DoqchoH}, literally "become red" or "change to red")." (HQ 

Internet resources:

DloraH has a web page showing the gradations between {Doq} and {SuD} at

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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