tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 27 12:42:02 2006

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Re: baQ-'a'

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>baQ?'a' n. general invective TKDp178 TKDa5.5

lay'tel SIvten:
>{baQa'} 'oHnIS mu'vam'e'.

It's been used twice, though not by Okrand:

   When Picard failed to convince Gov. Vagh that the Federation
   wasn't supplying weapons to Kriosian rebels, Vagh shouted:
   "You speak the lies of a tah-keck!" Picard calmly leaned
   forward and replied, "Qu'vatlh guy'cha b'aka!" Vagh compli-
   mented him, saying: "You swear well, Picard. You must have
   Klingon blood in you."
   (TNG "The Mind's Eye"; spellings from Closed Captions)

   yay, yay! Hov lengvaD! baQa'!
   "Wow, wow! For Star Trek! Omigosh!" (subtitles?)
   (actress Spice Williams reacting to news she had gotten the
    part of Vixis; ST5 DVD, extra "making of" feature)

Thorwald Peeters:
>>I believe Voragh distinguishes between Paraborg and Okrandian canon...
>>But I hope he can comment on it himself soon...

This is a good example when I do keep track of the Paramount "canon" for 
cultural context and usage.  Although it may be coincidence, in both of 
these {baQa'} is the last word of the utterance, just like {jay'}. (IIRC 
Mark Shoulson commented on this too in HQ 3.1.)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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