tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Oct 08 18:07:26 2006

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KLBC: Translating Dilbert

pm5 ([email protected])

Greetings Warriors:

As a beginner of Klingon language I was looking for things to
translate.  Following [these][1] [suggestions][2] ("One cannot truly
appreciate 'Dilbert' without reading it in the original Klingon") I
chose the Dilbert comics.  Some of the dialogues are far away for me
(like "that's a little like milking a squirrel because you need
butter"), so I translate what I can manage.  Here's some dialogues in
[today's comic][3], followed by my translation.  Please give some
corrections and advises.


    Boss: "A business magazine is sending a reporter to interview me."
    pIn:  {muyu'meH wa' ja'wI' mughoStaH.}

    Dilbert: "You?"

    Boss: "They want to know my best management practices."
    pIn:  {Savu' chay' 'e' SovmeH neH.}


    Boss: "I don't know what that meant, but I like the way it sounded."
    pIn:  {mu'tlheghvetlh vIyajbe' 'ach vI'Ij 'e' vItIv.}


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