tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 03 08:44:56 2006

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Re: Klingon WOTD: yuch (noun)

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> > KGT p. 85. Despite the general absence of sweet foods from their diet,
> > Klingons tend to be quite enthusiastic about {yuch} ("chocolate"), at
> > least in its purest forms.

lay'tel SIvten:
>Chocolate's purest form does not at all imply its natural form.

This may be an example of {nIt} "be plain, be pure, be uncorrupted, be 
unsullied" and {watlh} "be pure" vs. {baQ} "be fresh, just picked" and 
{tlhol} "be raw, be unprocessed".

What the difference is between {nIt} and {watlh} is unclear, but our sole 
example of either comes from music:

   the traditional style, sometimes called {ghe'naQ nIt} (perhaps
   "grand opera", though literally something like "unsullied opera")
   is preferred by purists.  {KGT 73)

{tlhol} is explained:

   This food is often described as {Soj tlhol} ("raw, unprocessed food"),
   as opposed to {Soj vutlu'pu'bogh} ("food that someone has prepared").
   What makes the food {tlhol} is not that it has not been heated but
   rather that no one has done anything to it; thus, "unprocessed"
   might be a better translation than "raw".  (KGT 84)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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