tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 27 14:29:32 2006

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Re: <Bloodwine> tlhIngan

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

Better than before when i avoided -lu'... lol
  And i'm going by the color char thing here, it is ment to say red, following the color chart Doq along would be considered to be either Orange, or other warm color... Considering what klingon blood is, i must make it specific to be red, considering Klingon blood is pink and is a warm color like red. *Is blindly putting his own trust into the chart*
Terrence Donnelly <[email protected]> wrote:
  You also seem kind of {-lu'}-happy there. I think
you are trying to account for the "it" in the
English sentence by using {-lu'}, but they aren't
at all equivalent. Your sentence should simply
read {Doqqu'chugh, tlhIngan 'Iw oHbe'}.

In {Doqqu'} "it is red", the pronoun "it" doesn't
have to be accounted for, the verb with prefix
(in this case, the 0-prefix) contains the idea of
"it". (I'm not sure you need the {-qu'} on {Doq},
but I'll give you a pass on that one).

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