tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Mar 18 01:32:11 2006

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Re: word histories

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

ghItlhpu' naHQun:
> >I'm trying to gather any information we have on the formation
> >of Klingon words,

jang vay':
> Are you talking about internal history, or external history? I've done a 
> little bit on internal etymology, but as for external word history I'm

I have the same question:

Do you see this "inside the game", as in "the klingons adapted the word from
the terran word X", or would you like to know how marc okrand found the
words? That's sometimes difficult to make a difference between a "pun", that
is a joke (-->qul) and a real story which could be based on something
without being funny (like {na'} obviously based on "Na") 


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