tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 17 21:41:39 2006

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Finally got some time... KLBC

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

Finally got some time (before summer amazingly) to do some studying of Klingon. (The more i study before summer the less i study during the summer and can work on other things during the summer like japanese.) Anyway, i was lookin' through my book and i havn't seemed to be able to find a single discription to say how some one is not something... Or even is something...
  How would one go about saying "I am afraid of him" as a general statement? I know you have afraid as a verb suffix, but not as a verb. So how would one say they're afraid of some one? 
  And let's say some one calls you an idiot, how would you go about saying "I'm not an idiot" when there is no form of "be"?
  Oh yea, and similar to the one above... How does one say "i am alseep"? Would it be "jIQong" which means "i sleep" literally or would it "vul jIH" or "jIvul"? (Note the usage of the pronoun form, since i want to say "I am asleep", wouldn't i use a pronoune and no prefix so a "be" would be imagined between jIH and "vul"? or since "to be" is infront of the verb inthe dictionary i can have jI- infront of it, or even if it dosn't have "to be" infront in the dictionary can i do it that way and say "jIQong" even though Qong is just "sleep" not "to be asleep"?
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