tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 21 08:39:53 2006

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Earth languages

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

Thorwald Peeters asks:
><citaat van="Steve">
> > Besides...*French* Hol vIjatlhba'be'
>This makes me wonder, apart from {tera'ngan (Hol)} and {DIvI' Hol}, what
>other {Holmey} are there know about Earth? Have names been agreed upon?

Not really.  I've seen these used more than once:  *{ghop Hol} "sign 
language", *{ghunmeH Hol} "programming language" and *{Paramount Hol} 
so-called "Klingon" concocted by Paramount's writers for the TV episodes.

Years ago Rick Endres used *{'InglIch Hol} for English in his excellent 
1980's (?) fan-novel "The Daystrom Project":  e.g. *{'InglIch Hol 
Dajatlh'a'} "Do you speak English?".

Other than that, the practice on the List seems to be to use the name of 
the country plus {hol}: e.g. *{FRANCE Hol}, *{GERMANY Hol}.  A common 
variation is to use the adjectival form of the country:  *{FRENCH Hol}, 
*{GERMAN Hol}.  This has always bothered me, since the Klingon pattern uses 
the name of the place plus {ngan} - {tera'ngan Hol}, {vulqangan Hol}, 
{romuluSngan Hol}, etc. - which would produce *{FRANCEngan Hol}, 
*{GERMANYngan Hol} which I admit sound awkward.

For a source of transliterated Earth names, Qov has been writing a blog in 
tlhIngan Hol for some time (cf. her *{bo logh} at ) and has come up with some Klingon versions of 
place names she's been using to discuss current events.  Here's a partial 
list in Klingon alphabetical order:

*{chay'na'}     China
*{Denmar}       Denmark
*{Doyche puH}   Germany
*{lItuvya'}     Lithuania
*{nIponya'}     Japan
*{norSIq}       Norway
*{nunavut}      Nunavut (Qov is Canadian)
*{polpuH}       Poland
*{portughal}    Portugal
*{puH'eS}       Netherlands
*{qanaDa}       Canada
*{qo'rI'ya'}    Korea
*{qu'ba}        Cuba
*{roSI'ya'}     Russia
*{SIlavngan}    Slav, Slavic (Qov also speaks Russian)
*{SIrebya'}     Serbia
*{Su'ome}       Finland
*{taypuH}       Thailand
*{turqI'ya'}    Turkey
*{vIran'eS}     France
*{'amerI'qa'}   America
*{'aStalya'}    Australia
*{'ayran}       Iran
*{'ayraq}       Iraq
*{'engpuH}      England (also used by the KSRP)
*{'eSpang}      Spain
*{'InDon'eSya'} Indonesia
*{'Italya'}     Italy

(BTW Mark Okrand once coined {wo' tay'} for "United Kingdom".)

Qov has used these Terran language names inter alia:

*{'engpuHngan Hol}   English (vs. French, otherwise {DIvI' Hol})
*{'eSper'anto' Hol}  Esperanto
*{'enuqtitut Hol}    Inuktitut

I've seen {romuluSngan Hol} used for Latin, though I prefer *{roma'ngan 
Hol} myself (from *{roma'} "Roma/Rome").  I've also toyed with using 
*{'elaSngan Hol} for "Greek" (from the Greek name of their country 
*Hellas*) even though {'elaS} "Elas" is a known planet in the Trek 
universe: Located in the Tellun star system (telun Hovtay'), Elas had been 
at war with the neighboring planet Troyius (Doy'yuS) for many years (TOS 
"Elaan of Troyius"; obviously the writers had some fun with Greek legends 

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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