tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 31 07:08:43 2006

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Mailing list RSS

Mark E. Shoulson ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

OK, I was tinkering with something for this list yesterday, and 
apparently it semi-works, so I might as well announce it.

You might be familiar with RSS.  It's a protocol by which things can be 
kept updated regarding new posts or articles on some site.  So you can 
subscribe to a news site's RSS feed and your RSS reader will poll it 
every 5 minutes or whatever and show you as new things become 
available.  Many blog-sites have RSS feeds to keep people updated when 
new entries are added.  And so on.  If you don't see what good this 
is... well, I'm not the right person to explain it.  But look it up 
online and you'll find out more about it.

Anyway, I decided to see if I could cook up an RSS feed for the 
tlhIngan-Hol list.  The last 50 messages (sort of; see below) are thrown 
into an RSS file that you can download and thus see when new posts 
appear.  It's only updated about once an hour, and that's okay because 
the website itself is not updated in real time either.

It isn't really the last 50 messages, either.  It's actually the last 50 
messages (if there are that many) *of the latest month*.  So tomorrow, 
on the 1st of February, suddenly that list will shrink down to only a 
few posts, until the total gets above 50 again.  Life's tough.

The URL of the feed is /maillist.rdf if you want to 
try it out.


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