tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 29 03:55:25 2006

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Re: Hop veng Sum

QeS 'utlh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' Quvar, ja':
>"I thought the nearest village was miles away"
>{jIHDaq Hopqu' vengHom Sum 'e' vIHar}

jIjangpu', jIja':
>I would have put it as {jIHDaq Hop(-qu') Sumqu'bogh vengHom 'e' vIHar}
>"I believed that the village which was nearest was (very) distant".

mujangpu' Quvar, ja':
>That's almost the same as what I wrote. I don't see much difference
>between {Sumbogh veng} and {veng Sum}.

That's just my personal style. {{:) I don't have a problem with either 
{Sumbogh veng} or {veng Sum}; that isn't what I intended to change.

>But the idea of using {-qu'} here looks very good for me.
>I'll use this: {jIHDaq veng Hopqu' 'oH veng Sum'e' 'e' vIHar.}

With this, you lose the idea of the "nearest" village. Perhaps I was 
unclear, and if that's so, I apologise: I meant to suggest you use {-qu'} on 
{Sum}, not on {Hop}. Your sentence literally comes across as "I believed 
that the near village was the very distant village" - implying that the 
village nearby was in fact the furthest away of all the villages you 
consider, and that just doesn't sit right.

{Sumqu'} "very near, nearest"
{veng Sumqu'} "the nearest town, the very near town"
{Hop veng Sumqu'} "the nearest town is far away"
{jIHDaq Hop veng Sumqu' 'e' vIHar} "I thought that the nearest town was far 
away from me"

QeS 'utlh
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD pabpo' / Grammarian of the Klingon Language Institute

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