tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 23 20:41:11 2006

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Re: (KLBC) How does one express feelings...?

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

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I have an objective to make TKD a luxury, rather than need. I don't mean copying or replacing, i wanna make it possible to learn Klingon without it, but, at the same time make TKD still wantable cause it'll be easier that way. See, teens are probably the ones we want to learn the Klingon Language the most, cause not only will they live longer and keep it going, but things children learn spread like wildfire compared to the adult which, not only dosn't learn as fast, but won't spread it as much. Plus, as some one said, it makes learning other languages alot easier. And, kids, they'd love Klingon. I know a girl who thinks even the very little i know is cool, just because she's never seen anything like it before, and that few speak it. Think about this, imagin if you didn't speak any klingon, and your kid wanted you to pay about 15 or so, just so they can learn a language you don't. I'm not saying parents would disapprove learning a language, it'd just be a little awkward to them and
 they're more likely to say, "no". Pretty much restricting it to older children and adults. Some of even the older children don't have the resources to get ahold of this, and mass piracy of TKD would become widespread, or, like what's going on, no one would care to learn the language, just because of all the trouble you must go through. Also, that's a hint for those of you who have children, teach them the language. lol Just wait till they're at an age though were they will still speak english in public, primarily. All this makes it much much easier in the future. Even english grades should go up, due to better understanding of english because you would need to get the exact deffinition or perhaps you'd be able to disassemble words in english more easily. A rather common example the word "superstructure". Chances are you say that to some one, even graduates, some may ask you, "what does that mean?" Now some one who can disable english would understand that the root "super" means
 greater than, or above(figuratively and/or literally) and "scructure" is a building, or struct (i know, bad way to describe it) creation. Another little one is Submarine... "Sub" (below) "Marine" (water).

Terrence Donnelly <[email protected]> wrote:  If you had a copy of the TKD, it would be easy to look
at section 5.5 and read all about Exclamations.

-- ter'eS BG

--- Shane MiQogh wrote:
> Now... I don't now about yu guys, but i don't see
> anywhere a listing of expressions.. I do know a few
> excelerators, but how does one go about saying
> "darn!"? How does one go about expressing strong
> satisfaction..? Like, "yes!"? Now it'd probably not
> be HIja' or anything literal compared to english,
> but what would it be..? Also, i havn't seen a
> listing anywhere of what the curses mean... I mean,
> what if we are to use the curses, wrong? They may be
> curses, but knowing them could indeed add to one's
> knowledge of the language. I'm guessing some curses
> are verbs, shortened sentances, adj, and, of course,
> nouns. We all know how to insult, but i personally
> myself would like to know what p'taQ means. lol
> pardon my cussing if it isn't appropriate here. lol

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