tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 22 16:25:54 2006

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Re: mu' HaqwI' vs TKD (was Re: I have a few questions that confuse me...)

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

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I have some limiting factors that keep me from the TDK, so essentually, i plan to find a work around for that, which will come from tough examination of TKW and any emails in klingon.

Alan Anderson <[email protected]> wrote:  ja' Shane MiQogh:

> ...And mu' HaqwI' basically is a dictionary, it uses TKW and the 
> dictionary as sources for it's words. Basically, it has all the 
> words the dictionary does.

yapbe' naQbogh mu'tay tetlh qar. DaHjaj tlhIngan Hol pab QIj 
tlhIngan mu'ghom neH. 'op pab pojlaH mu' HaqwI' 'ach DuchuHlaHbe'. 
"postal course" naDlu' 'ach 'oHvo' Hoch DaghojlaHbe'. 'ut tlhIngan 
mu'ghom qonbogh Marc Okrand. chaq tugh paq nIv wIchuplaH 'ach DaHjaj 
TKD'e' DaghajnIS.

Even assuming you have a complete and accurate vocabulary list, you 
still need The Klingon Dictionary. Despite its name, it is not a 
dictionary. Half of it describes the grammar of the Klingon 
language, detailing how words and affixes come together to represent 
concepts, and how those concepts are arranged to form intelligible 
sentences. You will not get that from a computerized translation 
tool like mu' HaqwI'.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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