tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 28 16:09:47 2006

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Re: quadrotriticale {loSpev}

QeS 'utlh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' Shane MiQogh:
>Reminds me of dilithium... If they found out how to make ozone
>naturally, dilithium (in theory, it would be 2 lithium molecules like
>in carbon dioxide (i think)) would be possible...

DuHbe' 'e' vIHar. wej electronmey ghaj lithium. mIchDaj wa'DIchDaq cha' 
electron ghaj, 'ej mIchDaj cha'DIchDaq wa' ghaj. ngaDchoHmeH, mIchDaj 
cha'DIchDaq ghajnIS chorgh electron, latlh tatvo' Soch electronmey SuqnIS. 
'ach wa' neH noblaH latlh lithium tat. electron nob 'e' maS lithium; laj 'e' 

I don't think Li2 is possible. Lithium has three electrons: two in the inner 
shell and one in the outer shell. To make a stable compound, it needs to 
have eight electrons (or none) in its outer shell. However, lithium only has 
one free electron to donate. As well, lithium has a tendency to donate 
rather than accept electrons.

There have been a couple of fictitious chemical formulas for dilithium 
postulated. The simpler is Li2Te, or dilithium telluride. The more complex 
is Li2Fe7Al2Si8O27. Both are hypothetically possible, but it's unlikely that 
either actually has the fantastic properties that are ascribed to dilithium 
in Star Trek.

>But neither substance (quadrotriticale nor dilithium) really appear
>to have any practical purpose in spending bilions of dollars in develpment.

Of course not. They're fictional substances used to further plots. I 
seriously doubt, for instance, that dilithium telluride is likely to be able 
to regulate a matter-antimatter reaction. (For more information on this, 
read "The Physics of Star Trek", by Lawrence Krauss.)

QeS 'utlh
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD pabpo' / Grammarian of the Klingon Language Institute

not nItoj Hemey ngo' juppu' ngo' je
(Old roads and old friends will never deceive you)
     - Ubykh Hol vIttlhegh


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