tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 10 04:23:17 2006

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Re: Pronunciation sources

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

Want klingon resources? An idea, get ahold of the people who speak it fluently (sure there are a few here) and have them redo the pronounciation page... lol
Steven Boozer <[email protected]> wrote:  Voragh:
> >If you're interested in hearing "authentic" speech, listen to Christopher
> >Lloyd (Kruge) and John LaRoquette (Maltz) in "STIII: The Search for Spock"
> >as well as Spice Williams (Vixis) and Todd Bryant (Klaa) in "STV: The Final
> >Frontier".

>I recall quite liking Azetbur's accent in "The Undiscovered Country". While
>it may not have been completely accurate, it was the only Klingon I
>understood the first time I watched ST:VI, and it sounded good to boot. I'll
>have to watch it again to check on Rosanna DeSoto's accuracy, though, as I
>can't vouch for whether it's suitable as a model.

That's true, and Okrand did coach her. In her scene with the generals her 
Klingon was pretty good, though that of the other actors was dreadful. She 
had interesting sort of an (upper-class?) drawl that was probably the 
result of her (Italian?) accent in English than an actor's choice of 
characterization. Chang's Klingon was pretty good too, and spoken with 
considerable gusto, although there wasn't much of it.

For those interested, Okrand does refer several times to class distinctions 
in KGT so this might be something worth pursuing. Kruge, Azetbur and Chang 
are examples of upper-class Klingons and one could contrast their speech 
with that of, say, Vixis and Klaa. (In ST5, Klaa is never addressed as 
{joH} but only as {HoD}, which may imply he's not a member of the 
upper-class {chuQun}, just a lower-class soldier who rose by his own 
ability. You may recall that in DS9 "Soldiers of the Empire" lower-class 
Gen. Martok was contrasted with his rival upper-class Kor.)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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