tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 22 07:24:10 2006

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Re: tlhach mu'mey: HolQeD...

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

lay'tel SIvten:
>Taking an idea from Hebrew and using a specific word form as the name of the
>form itself (e.g., pi'el, pu'al, etc.), and using the explicitly transitive
>verb {tagh}, one can form terms for subject and object.
>{tagh} vt - begin a process, initiate [proceedings]
>   subject - taghwI', taghbogh vay'
>   object - vay' taghbogh

Hmm... the very general {vay'} "someone, something; anyone, anything" works 
for a general "subject" and {wanI'} "phenomenon, event, occurrence" isn't 
bad for "predicate".  ({ghu'} "situation" may be better when the predicate 
is a quality rather than an action.)  Of course, since they're specialized 
uses of existing nouns you'd have to explain them whenever you used them.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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